ÃëàâíàÿÃðàììàòèêàÓïðàæíåíèÿÊàðòà ñàéòà Topics WorkbookÓ÷åáíèêè Òåñòû Òåìû Ñïðàâî÷íûå ìàòåðèàëû

Matrix Upper-Intermediate Tests online

1 In the mind's eye
2 A sense of identity
3 Times past
4 Small beginnings
5 Fame and fortune
6 Taking risks
7 Means of communication
8 What if ... ?
9 Travellers' tales
10 The right choice

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Writing descriptions

9 Travel and sightseeing

Put these words and phrases into the correct categories in the table.

Where to stay How to get around What to do What to see
hotelby train rollerblade in the park a monument
youth hostelby bus go on a guided tour an art gallery
camp siteon a bike go out to a nightclub a museum
bed and breakfast   buy souvenirs a theme park

10 Adjectives to describe a place

Match adjectives 1-10 with their synonyms a-j. Use a dictionary to help you.

1 interesting a peaceful
2 famous b overpriced
3 busy c up-to-date
4 cheap d unique
5 original e crowded
6 very old f low-priced
7 expensive g attractive
8 quiet h fascinating
9 beautiful i well-known
10 modern j ancient

interesting fascinating
famous well-known
busy crowded
cheap low-priced
original unique
very old ancient
expensive overpriced
quiet peaceful
beautiful attractive
modern up-to-date

11 Words that go together

A Complete sentences 1-10 using these verbs. There may be more than one possible answer for each gap.

1 If you want to visit Paris, you should book the accommodation in advance.

2 'What shall we do today?'
'I think we ought to go sightseeing.'

3 To get to the Louvre, it's best to take (catch) the number 56 bus.

4 You should wear a helmet if you want to ride a bike around the city.

5 If you get lost, you can always ask for help.

6 You shouldn't take photos in the art gallery. It's not allowed.

7 It's a lovely day. We ought to spend some time in the park.

8 We can do some shopping this morning, and go to the museum this afternoon.

9 You really ought to take time to visit Notre Dame.

10 If it's raining, we should have lunch at the hotel.

B Which words and expressions give advice in sentences 1-10?

Example you should... it's best to ... , you really ought to ... , you can always ask for ...

12 Writing

A student magazine has asked you to write a description of your town for student visitors. The description should give practical advice and recommend places to see and things to do.

…(name of town) is a …(adjectives: is it big or small? lively or quiet? modern or historic?) town. If you are visiting … in the spring or summer, the weather will be …, so you need to bring (clothes). If you come in winter, you shoud bring (clothes). At this time of year it can get very …(weather).

There are plenty of places to stay in …, such as … (places to stay). If you are traveling on small budget, it’s best to … (cheap places to stay)

Once you arrive in … it’s easy to get around. You can … (types of transport available). If you are staying in the town center, make sure … (best types of transport for center of town).

There is a lot to see in … . For example, there is … (what you can see there). During the day you should … (things you can see and do during the day). In the evening you ought to … (things you can see and do in the evening).

If you want to buy a typical souvenir, it’s best to … (what you can buy and where you can buy it).