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The future
Be, have, do, make, etc.
Verbs: infinitives, -ing forms, etc.
Nouns and compounds
Determiners and quantifiers
Relative clauses and other types of clause
Pronouns, substitution and leaving out words
Adverbs and conjunctions
Organising information

In this course, we'll provide you with tips that will help you understand the rules more easily and give you lots of practice with the tricky grammar of everyday English...

The 'zero' article : : Indefinite articles : : Definite articles : : Questions with like : : Question tags : : Time prepositions : : Reported Speech : : Simple passive : : Continuous passive : : Because and because of : : To, for, so that : : '-ed' and '-ing' adjectives : : Need + verb-ing : : Have something done : : Must : : Have to / don't have to : : Used to : : Wish + Past Perfect : :

Questions with like

What is she like? - Какая она (по характеру)?
What does she like doing? - Чем она любит заниматься? (Какое у нее хобби?)
What does she like? - Что она любит? (Что ей больше нравится?)
What does she look like? - Как она выглядит?
What would she like to do? - Что она хотела бы делать?

'Like' is a word frequently used in English. It is used in different ways and in this programme we compare three different uses: talking about personality, physical appearance and hobbies.
To ask about someone's personality.
NB: We don't use 'like' in the answer.

What is
What are
What am


She's friendly.
He's grumpy.
They're very serious.

To ask about someone's physical appearance:
NB: We don't use 'like' in the answer.

What does
What do
she/he/it I/you/they/we
look like?
She's tall and good looking.
He's got green eyes.
They're both blonde.

To ask about someone's hobbies:
NB: You can use 'like' in the answer.

What does
What do
like doing? She likes sports.
He's into computers.
They love sailing and swimming.

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