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The future
Be, have, do, make, etc.
Verbs: infinitives, -ing forms, etc.
Nouns and compounds
Determiners and quantifiers
Relative clauses and other types of clause
Pronouns, substitution and leaving out words
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Organising information

Adjective ending in '-ing' or '-ed'

The 'zero' article : : Indefinite articles : : Definite articles : : Questions with like : : Question tags : : Time prepositions : : Reported Speech : : Simple passive : : Continuous passive : : Because and because of : : To, for, so that : : '-ed' and '-ing' adjectives : : Need + verb-ing : : Have something done : : Must : : Have to / don't have to : : Used to : : Wish + Past Perfect : :
Английская грамматика Английский для поступающих в ВУЗы
Краткий англо-русский разговорник
Confusing words
Упражнения по переводу с русского на английский
Тексты с параллельным переводом
The examples are easy to follow and designed to get you speaking quickly.

The 'zero' article : : Indefinite articles : : Definite articles : : Questions with like : : Question tags : : Time prepositions : : Reported Speech : : Simple passive : : Continuous passive : : Because and because of : : To, for, so that : : '-ed' and '-ing' adjectives : : Need + verb-ing : : Have something done : : Must : : Have to / don't have to : : Used to : : Wish + Past Perfect : : Do you sometimes get confused about whether to use an adjective ending in '-ing' or '-ed'? Don't worry, lots of people have trouble with these words.

-ing adjectives are used to describe things: 'The lecture was boring.'
-ed adjectives are used to describe our feelings: 'I felt very bored.'

-ed form -ing form
annoyed annoying
bored boring
confused confusing
embarrassed embarassing
surprised surprising
worried worrying
interested interesting

Now choose the correct adjective in sentences 1-6.

1 The horror film Scream is very frightened / frightening.

2 Sue was surprised / surprising when she passed her driving test.

3 Mark felt frustrated / frustrating. He'd lost his mobile phone.

4 The party was boring / bored. Tanya wanted to go home.

5 I hate it when it rains. It's so depressed / depressing.

6 The series Friends is very amused / amusing. Phoebe always makes me laugh.
