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Функции to be
глагол-связка вспомогательный глаголмодальный глагол смысловой глагол

Формы глагола to be:
am, is, are - Present Simple;
was, were - Past Simple;
will be - Future Simple;
been, being - неличные формы to be.

Спряжение глагола to be в Present, Past, Future Simple Tenses. Скачать в формате .doc

Таблица спряжения глагола to be во всех временах. Скачать в формате .doc

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На русский язык глагол to be переводится как "быть, находиться, существовать, являться". To be – это начальная форма, инфинитив. Этот глагол изменяется по лицам и числам, каждое лицо и число имеет свою форму:

Глагол to be в настоящем времени имеет формы: am, is (ед. число), are (мн. число)
Наведите курсор на подсветку и увидите перевод личных форм глагола to be во всех временах
I am | You are | She is | He is | It is | We are | You are | They are

Настоящее время I amYou are He isShe is It is We areYou areThey are
Будущее времяI will be You will be He will beShe will be It will be We will beYou will beThey will be
Прошедшее время I was You were He was She was It was We were You were They were

Задание. Придумайте 5 предложений с глаголом to be.
Задание. Поставьте следующие предложения с глаголом to be в отрицательную и вопросительную форму. Дайте краткий ответ на полученные общие вопросы.

1. This is a good tie.
2. That is a long text.
3. Those are big bags.
4. These rooms are clean.
5. That pencil is short.
6. His T-shirts are trendy.

Отрицательная форма

1. This is not a good tie.
2. That is not a long text.
3. Those are not big bags.
4. These rooms are not clean.
5. That pencil is not short.
6. His T-shirts are not trendy.

Вопросительная форма

1. Is this a good tie?
a good tie = it
Yes, it is. Краткий ответ - да.
No, it is not. Краткий ответ - нет.

2. Is that a long text?
a long text = it
Yes, it is. - Да.
No, it is not. - Нет.

3. Are those big bags?
big bags = they
Yes, they are. - Да.
No, they are not. - Нет.

4. Are these rooms clean?
these rooms = they
Yes, they are. - Да.
No they are not. - Нет.

5. Is that pencil short?
that pencil = it
Yes, it is. - Да.
No, it is not. - Нет.

6. Are his T-shirts trendy?
his T-shirts = they
Yes, they are. - Да.
No, they are not. - Нет.

Единственное число Множественное число
that is → those are
this is → these are
there is → there are
it is → they are

is, are - формы глагола to be;

that, this, those, these - указательные местоимения.

This [зис]- это, этот, эта
These [зииз] - эти
That [зэт]- то, тот, та
Those [зоуз] - те
They [зэй]- они

Как поставить предложения с глаголом to be в отрицательную и вопросительную формы?

Прикольный тест на глагол to be во всех временах


Спряжение глагола to be (быть) в Present (Past, Future) Indefinite Tense, Ю. Б. Голицынский. Сборник упражнений для школьников.

Ответы для школьников

Спряжение глагола to be в настоящем времени (Present Simple (Indefinite))

Утвердительное предложение Отрицательное предложение Вопросительное предложение
I amI am not Am I?
Не is He is not (he isn't)Is he?
She is She is not (she isn't)Is she?
It is It is not (it isn’t) Is it?
We areWe are not (we aren't) Are we?
You areYou are not (you aren't) Are you?
They areThey are not (they aren't) Are they?

Спряжение глагола to be в будущем времени (Future Simple (Indefinite))

Утвердительное предложениеОтрицательное предложение Вопросительное предложение
I will be I will not be (I won't be)Will I be?
He will be He will not be (he won't be)Will he be?
She will be She will not be (she won't be) Will she be?
It will be It will not be (it won't) Will it be?
We will be We will not be (we won't be)Will we be?
You will beYou will not be (you won't be)Will you be?
They will beThey will not be (they won't be)Will they be?

Спряжение глагола to be в прошедшем времени (Past Simple (Indefinite))

Утвердительное предложение Отрицательное предложениеВопросительное предложение
I wasI was not (I wasn't)Was I?
Не wasHe was not (he wasn't)Was he?
She was She was not (she wasn't) Was she?
It wasIt was not (it wasn't) Was it?
We were We were not (we weren't)Were we?
You were You were not (you weren't) Were you?
They were They were not (they weren't) Were they?

Обратите внимание на перевод слов буду, будешь, будет, будем
Глагол to be Другой глагол
Я буду там. - I will be there.Я буду знать. - I will know.
Я буду учителем. - I will be a teacher. Я буду учить детей. - I will teach children
Мы завтра будем в школе. - We will be at school tomorrow. Мы будем писать контрольную по математике. - We will write a test in Math.
Она будет свободна завтра. - She will be free tomorrow. Она будет встречать друзей. - She will meet (with) friends

Таблица спряжения глагола to be во всех временах

  Indefinite Continuous Perfect
I am
we are
you are
they are

I am being
he is being
we are being
you are being
they are being

I have been
he has been
we have been
you have been
they have been
I was
he was
we were
you were
they were

I was being
he was being
we were being
you were being
they were being

I had been
he had been
we had been
you had been
they had been
I will be
he will be
we will be
you will be
they will be


I will have been
he will have been
we will have been
you will have been
they will have been
I would be
he would be
we would be
you would be
they would be


I would have been
he would have been
we would have been
you would have been
they would have been

Am / is / are - "быть = to be" в настоящем времени (Present Simple);
will be - "to be" в будущем времени (Future Simple);
was / were - "to be" в прошедшем времени (Past Simple);
have been / has been - "to be" в Present Perfect;
will have been - "to be" в Future Perfect;
would have been - "to be" в Future Perfect in the Past;
had been - "to be" в Past Perfect;
am / is / are being - "to be" в Present Continuous Passive;
will be being - "to be" в Future Continuous Passive;
would be being - "to be" в Future Continuous in the Past;
was / were being - "to be" в Past Continuous Passive;
have / has / had been being - не употребляется.

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Список вопросовTo beThere + to beContinuousto be + 3-я формаТаблицы для скачивания