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There + to be

Конструкция there is / there are в present, past and future indefinite

The simple present (indefinite)
ед. число мн. число
Утверждение There is ... . (Там) есть (один) ... . There are ... . (Там) есть (несколько) ... .
Отрицание There is not (isn't) ... . (Там) нет (одного) ... . There are not (aren't) ... . (Там) нет (нескольких) ... .
Общий вопрос Is there ... ? Есть ли (там) (один) ... ? Are there ... ? Есть ли (там) (несколько) ... ?
Ответ на общий вопрос Yes, there is. -Да.
No, there is not. - Нет.
Yes, there are. -Да.
No, there are not. - Нет.
Специальный вопрос What is there ... ? Что есть (там)? What is there ... ? Что есть (там)?
Ответ на cпециальный вопрос - конкретный. There is a book. There are (some) books.

The simple past
ед. число мн. число
Утверждение There was ... . (Там) был (один) ... There were ... . (Там) было (несколько) ... .
Отрицание There was not (wasn't) ... . (Там) не было (одного) ... . There were not (weren't) ... . (Там) не было (нескольких) ... .
Общий вопрос Was there ... ? Был ли (там) (один) ... ? Were there ... ? Было ли (там) (несколько) ... ?
Специальный вопрос What was there ... ? Что было (там)? What was there ... ? Что было (там)?

The simple future
ед. число мн. число
Утверждение There will be ... . (Там) будет (один) ... There will be ... . (Там) будет (несколько) ... .
Отрицание There will not (won't) be ... . (Там) не будет (одного) ... . There will not (won't) be ... . (Там) не будет (нескольких) ... .
Общий вопрос Will there be ... ? Будет ли (там) (один) ... ? Will there be ... ? Будет ли (там) (несколько) ... ?
Специальный вопрос What will be there ... ? Что будет (там)? What will be there ... ? Что будет (там)?

Дополнительные примеры, иллюстрирующие употребление оборота there + to be в разных временах
The simple present The simple past
There is a man at the door. There was someone to see you.
There are two men at the door. There were some people to see you.
The present perfect The past perfect
There has been an accident. He said there had been an accident.
There have been a lot of enquiries. He said there had been a lot of enquiries.
The simple future The future perfect
There will be a letter for you tomorrow. There will have been a definite result before Friday.
Tag questions
There is a big match on TV tonight, isn't there?
There has been some awful weather lately, hasn't there?

Common contractions - Принятые сокращения
Полная форма Сокращенная форма Пример
There is There's There's a man at the door.
There has There's There's been an accident.
There have There've There've been a lot of accidents round here.
There had There'd He told me there'd been an accident near here.
There would There'd There'd be fewer accidents if drivers took care.
There will There'll There'll be a good harvest this year.

Обратите внимание на совпадение сокращений от There is и There has: There's.
There would и There had также имеют общую сокращенную форму: There'd.