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Формы глагола to do (do, does, did, will do). Примеры утвердительных, отрицательных, вопросительных предложений.

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Глагол to do имеет формы:

do, does, don't, doesn't - в настоящем времени,
did, didn't - в прошедшем времени,
will do, won't do (will not do) - в будущем времени.

Do, does, did: что и когда пишется?

Глагол to do (делать, выполнять) может быть вспомогательным и смысловым.

На этой картинке to do переводится на русский язык как смысловой глагол
do verb

А в этой таблице to do - вспомогательный глагол для образования отрицательных и вопросительных предложений с другими глаголами: to visit, to surf, to download.
УтверждениеОтрицание Вопрос
I / you / we / they often visit this site. I / you / we / they don't often visit this site.Do I / you / we / they often visit this site?
He / she surfs the Internet every day. He / she doesn't surf the Internet every day. Does he / she surf the Internet every day?
I / you / we / they / he / she downloaded a file. I / you / we / they / he / she didn't download. Did I / you / we / they / he / she download?

to visit this site - посещать этот сайт
to surf the Internet - просматривать интернет-страницы
to download a file - загрузить файл

Употребление вспомогательного глагола to do

В следующих предложениях to do является и смысловым и вспомогательным глаголом

She usually does (cмысловой глагол) it.

Does (вспомогательный глагол) she usually do (смысловой глагол) it?

She doesn't (вспомогательный глагол) usually do (смысловой глагол) it.

Формы инфинитива глагола to do

to do - Indefinite Infinitive

to be doing - Continuous Infinitive

to have done - Perfect Infinitive

to be done - Passive Infinitive

Таблица спряжения глагола to do во всех временах

Present Indefinite Present Continuous Present Perfect
I do I am doing I have done
he, she, it does he, she, it is doing he, she, it has done
we do we are doing we have done
you do you are doing you have done
they do they are doing they have done
Past Indefinite Past Continuous Past Perfect
I did I was doing I had done
he, she, it did he, she, it was doing he, she, it had done
we did we were doing we had done
you did you were doing you had done
they did they were doing they had done
Future Indefinite Future Continuous Future Perfect
I shall / will do I shall / will be doing I shall / will have done
he, she, it will do he, she, it will be doing he, she, it will have done
we shall / will do we shall / will be doing we shall / will have done
you will do you will be doing you will have done
they will do they will be doing they will have done
Future Indefinite in the Past Future Continuous in the Past Future Perfect in the Past
I should / would do I should / would be doing I should / would have done
he, she, it would do he, she, it would be doing he, she, it would have done
we should / would do we should / would be doing we should / would have done
you would do you would be doing you would have done
they would do they would be doing they would have done

The way we do small things determine the way we do everything./ В мелочах видно, как мы делаем все остальное.
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