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  • Инфинитив
  • Причастие
  • Герундий
  • Причастие, герундий и отглагольное существительное

    Переведите на русский язык, обращая внимание на герундий.

    1. She has always dreamt of living in a small house by the sea.
    2. She disliked living in her old house.
    3. She was thinking of buying a new one. 4. Now, she enjoys living in a beautiful new house.
    5. She misses seeing the neighbours, of course.
    6. She enjoyed talking to them and didn't mind helping them usually.
    7. She likes cooking and is very good at it.
    8. But she doesn't like washing and ironing.
    9. She hates getting up early, but she has to.
    10. She doesn't mind working a lot, you know.
    11. She enjoys driving an expensive car.
    12. She has always dreamt of travelling round the world.
    13. But she hates flying and she's never been overseas.
    14. She has risen to be head of the company in spite of being a woman in a man's world.
    15. She loves meeting people because she can't bear being alone.
    16. She loves talking to the press and appearing on TV shows.
    17. She enjoys being photographed because she thinks she's beautiful.
    18. She hates being laughed at.
    19. She likes being stared at because she thinks she's attractive.
    20. But she hates being ignored.
  • Put the verb in brackets into gerund or infinitive.
    Используйте форму инфинитива или герундия для глагола в скобках.
    Запишите ваш перевод и сравните его с ключом.

    1. He offered (lend) me money.
    Он предложил мне денег взаймы.

    2. Did you remember (book) seats for the cinema tomorrow?
    Ты не забыл заказать билеты в кино на завтра?

    3. He hates (be) kept waiting.
    Он терпеть не может, когда его заставляют ждать.

    4. This book tells you how (win) at chess.
    Книга расскажет вам, как выигрывать в шахматы.

    5. Would you like (keep) the tickets?
    Вы бы хотели сохранить билеты?

    6. Did you advise him (go) to the police?
    Вы посоветовали ему обратиться в полицию?

    7. The fire seems (be) out.
    Огонь, кажется, погас.

    8. It is nice (sit) in the garden at night.
    Хорошо посидеть в саду вечером.

    9. I don't like (get) bills.
    Не люблю получать счета.

    10. Don't keep him (to stand) at the door.
    Не заставляй его стоять у двери.

    11. I can hear the bell (to ring) .
    Я слышу звонок (как звенит звонок).

    12. She apologized for (to be) late.
    Она извинилась за опоздание.

    13. He made me (to do) the same things.
    Он заставлял меня делать одно и то же.

    14. I'm for (to do) nothing till the evening.
    Я за то, чтобы ничего не делать до вечера.

    15. I suggest (to leave) him here.
    Я предлагаю оставить его здесь.

    16. I wish (be) a manager.
    Я хочу стать менеджером.

    Выполненные сложные задания по английскому языку

  • Список глаголов, употребляющихся с инфинитивом или герундием.

  • Cписок глаголов, образующих различные глагольные конструкции
  • Герундий, свойства.
  • Примеры из деловой лексики
  • Test

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