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Interview with a wild life photographer

Mark Did you always want to be a wildlife photographer?

Maria To be honest I never planned it as a career. I was a marine biologist when I started taking photographs.

Mark What do you enjoy most about your job?

Maria Well, I love photographing unusual or endangered animals. At the moment I am planning to photograph pandas in China.

Mark What is the most remote* place you have been to?

Maria Last year I went to Antarctica. It took several days to get there.

Mark Have you had any dangerous experiences?

Maria Once in Africa I was in my jeep when a huge elephant charged towards me.

Mark What did you do?

Maria Well, there was no chance of escape, so I just took a picture. Fortunately, at the last moment the elephant stopped and disappeared into the bush.

Mark What advice would you offer to young wildlife photographers?

Maria Don't take unnecessary risks and try to be patient. It can sometimes take days to get the right picture.

*remote = far away from where people live

Now report the conversation.

He asked her if she had always wanted to be a wildlife photographer.

She explained that ........................................ .

She was a marine biologist when she had started taking photographs.

He wanted to know ........................................ .

She replied that she loved photographing unusual or endangered animals and that ....................................................

He asked her .................................................. .

She told him that .................................................... .

It had taken several days to get there.

He wanted to know ........................................................ .

She answered that ....................................................... .

He wanted to know ....................................................... .

She told him that ....................................................... .

He asked her ...................................................... .

She said ......................................................... and to try and be patient.

She explained that ....................................................... .

Reported speech

He asked her if she had always wanted to be a wildlife photographer.

She explained that she had never planned it as a career.

She was a marine biologist when she had started taking photographs.

He wanted to know what she enjoyed most about her job.

She replied that she loved photographing unusual or endangered animals and that she was planning to photograph pandas in China then.

He asked her what was the most remote place she had been to.

She told him that she had gone to Antarctica the year before.

It had taken several days to get there.

He wanted to know if she had had any dangerous experiences.

She answered that once in Africa she had been in her jeep when a huge elephant had charged towards her.

He wanted to know what she had done.

She told him that there had been no chance to escape, so she had taken a picture.

He asked her what advice she would offer to young wildlife photographers.

She said she would advise not to take any unnecessary risks and to try and be patient.

She explained that it could sometimes take days to get the right picture.

  • Indirect commands - Перевод в косвенную речь повелительных предложений
  • Indirect statements - Перевод в косвенную речь повествовательных предложений
  • Indirect questions - Перевод в косвенную речь вопросительных предложений

    Английская грамматика
  • Неправильные английские глаголы
  • Все времена глагола
  • Местоимения
  • Причастие 1
  • Причастие 2
  • Условные предложения трех типов.
  • Герундий
  • Сложное дополнение
  • Сложное подлежащее
  • Независимый причастный оборот
  • Инверсия (Inversion)
  • Reported speech
    Английский для поступающих в вузы
    Краткий англо-русский разговорник
    Confusing words
    Упражнения по переводу с русского на английский
    Тексты с параллельным переводом
