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Грамматика. Ключи к упражнениям по 6-му изданию.

Сборник упражнений по грамматике английского языка. Все упражнения 4-го издания открыты для просмотра онлайн, с ответами, бесплатно и без скачивания

Пособие содержит практические упражнения различной степени сложности по основным разделам школьного курса английского языка.

Грамматика. Ключи к упражнениям. Издание шестое

Ю. Б. Голицынский

450 ] [ 451 ] [ 452 ] [ 453 ] [ 454 ] [ 455 ] [ 456 ] [ 457 ] [ 458 ] [ 459 ] [ 460 ] [ 461 ] [ 462 ] [ 463 ] [ 464 ] [ 465 ] [ 466 ] [ 467 ] [ 468 ] [ 469 ] [ 470 ] [ 471 ] [ 472 ] [ 473 ] [ 474 ] [ 475 ] [ 476 ] [ 477 ] [ 478 ] [ 479 ] [ 480 ] [ 481 ] [ 482 ] [ 483 ] [ 484 ] [ 485 ] [ 486 ] [ 487 ] [ 488 ] [ 489 ] [ 490 ] [ 491 ] [ 492 ] [ 493 ] [ 494 ] [ 495 ] [ 496 ] [ 497 ] [ 498 ] [ 499 ] [ 500 ]

Упражнение 450

1. He expects me to write to him. 2. I want you to write a letter to your grandmother. 3. When will you have yoin hair cut? 4. He knows me to be a great theatregoer 5. We expected the weather to change. 6. The teacher want ed the dictation to be rewritten. 7. I heard something heavy fall on the floor. 8. I saw the boy slip and fall. 9. The cold wind made him put on his coat. 10. I want you to understand your mistake. 11. I know her to be clever. 12. His father made him rewrite the exercise. 13. We saw her swim across the river. 14. You must have your hair cut. 15. His family didn't expect it to happen so soon. 16. We watched the sunlight dancing on the water's surface.

Упражнение 451

1. The teacher made him repeat the rule. 2. I know your father to be an outstanding sportsman. 3. My friend did not want me to write this letter. 4. I must have my photo taken tomorrow. 5. I want my books returned. 6. I hate birds to be kept in cages. 7. He watched the workers unloading the lorry. 8. She saw people running along the street. 9. I expect the teacher to give me a good mark. 10. I don't like you to stay at school after classes. 11. When did she have her hair cut? 12. I want this music to be played every day. 13. The illness made him stay at home. 14. Did you see anybody leave the room? 15. Did Mother hear the boys saу so? 16. Children love to have stories read to them. 17. She saw him leaving the house.

Упражнение 452

1. I know your sister to be an excellent singer. 2. We expect the ship to come tomorrow. 3. I saw the ship disappear behind the horizon. 4. He heard the town dock strike tvelve. 5. Mother wants us to go to the country. 6. The children wanted the firtree to be put in the largest room. 7. We expected him to return on the same day. 8. I want you to come with me. 9. I want you to help me. 10. Mother made me go to the country on Sunday. 11. I saw him pass. 12. They heard the door open. 13. When will you have a new dress made? 14. You can't expect him to come and help you. 15. The police know him to be a drug dealer, but they haven't caught him yet. 16. I'd like this work finished by Sunday.

Упражнение 453

1. Father did not want me to read this magazine. 2. I hate things to be broken. 3. She wants to have her hair cut. 4. I don't like Kate to sing this song. 5. Everybody knows her to be very brave. 6. I expected you to do your homework. 7. Did you see anybody speaking to him? 8. She watched the children playing lotto. 9. His mother made him go to bed. 10. Have you had your photo taken? 11. I want the dinner cooked in time. 12. Did she want him to give her a lift? 13. I know him to be (the) captain of the school football team. 14. She felt tears rolling down her cheeks. 15. My friends wouldn't like her to think they didn't appreciate what she had done for them. 16. The teacher can't expect the children to be quiet all the time. 17. I saw a man get into the car.

Упражнение 454

1. Mary made Tom wash his hands and face again. "I want you to be clean," she said. 2. "I want the floor washed by the evening," said my mother. 3. He heard her sighing in her sleep. 4. She was so busy thinking she did not notice me enter. 5. We wanted them to tell us something about themselves. 6. I had a new dress made last week. 7. When I was a child, I liked mother to sing songs to me. 8. She felt somebody come up to her, but did not turn. 9. The boy watched the mechanic repairing the refrigerator. 10. David heard the doctor leave his mother's room and go downstairs. 11. Nobody saw Jim enter the house. Nobody expected him to come so early. 12. "I want everybody to be happy," she said. 13. "You cannot make me give you the child," said Miss Betsy. 14. Sid saw Tom jump out of the window. 15. I know your father to be very tall. 16. Have you ever seen him dancing a waltz?

Упражнение 455

1. The soldier expected the letter to arrive in a week. 2. We expect you to visit us on Saturday. 3. She heard her brother enter the room. 4. I shall make you study well. 5. Nina wants me to come, too. 6. She felt her hands trembling. 7. I expected you to come in time. 8. My father wants me to study two foreign languages. 9. She did not want me to go to England. 10. I expect you to help me. 11. The patient felt his heart beating strongly. 12. I want the work to be done (done). 13. We saw him cross the street. 14. We know him to be (the) captain of a big ship. 15. I didn't want you to learn this text by heart. 16. You'll never guess where I had the dress made. 17. I watched him cleaning (washing) the car.

Сложное дополнение (Complex Object)

Упражнение 456

1. We liked to come to this garden and watch children playing. 2. When Robert went out into the corridor, he felt somebody touch his arm. 3. She wanted the children brought into the hall. 4. Tom was a very diligent pupil and soon made everybody respect him. 5. I don't want to make you do it at once. 6. I want you to do it yourself. 7. Have you ever heard him playing (singing) this piece? 8. I want you to introduce me to your brother. 9. I like my sister to speak English with her friends. 10. Ann did not expect the book to be so interesting. 11. I often heard him tell the students about his native land. 12. We often saw them working in the reading room. 13. When did you have your car repaired? 14. If I see Nina in the library, I shall make her tell me about everything. 15. I know these people to be foreign tourists. 16. Mother wants you to mind your own business. 17. She saw him leave the house.

Упражнение 457

1. He wants the letters brought into his room. 2. We know them to be very busy. 3. I want to have my photo taken. 4. I know him to be a great theatregoer. 5. I expect you to write me a letter. 6. He heard somebody entering the room. 7. I don't like the child to play with the dog. 8. I hate books to be torn. 9. Harris did not want his wife to jump off the bicycle. 10. Where do you have your dresses made? 11. His mother made him put on his coat. 12. The mother watched the child walking across the room. 13. Did you see anybody enter the classroom? 14. He had his hair cut yesterday. 15. If you want me to help you, let me know. 16. Children love to have fairy tales told to them.

Упражнение 458

1. Did you see the cat seize the mouse? 2. I should like you to call on me tonight. 3. I was not sleeping and heard somebody enter our compartment. 4. I saw them walking down the street together. 5. Nobody has ever heard her recite poetry. 6. It made me think how to correct the mistake. 7. I wonder what made him give up the trip to the Crimea. 8. The librarian expected the students to return books on time. 9. I want the letters written today. 10. The professor wants me to work more (to do some more work) at my report. 11. We expect you to go to the south this summer. 12. They don't want us to do it. 13. The painter watched the yellow leaves falling to the ground. 14. Come in: I expect my brother to return soon. 15. Have you had your video recorder repaired? 16. What made my uncle change his mind? 17. I know him to be a liar.

Упражнение 459

1. Our microwave oven has broken. I'll have to have it repaired. 2. The rain made us turn back. 3. She felt somebody touch her hand. 4. We heard the bell ring. 5. Her brother's illness made her go to Kiev. 6. We saw this man (person) to enter the office. 7. My friend wants me to come to his place (home). 8. I know your friend to be a skilful photographer. 9. We expect you to take part in the concert. 10. I know you to be my friend. 11. Mother wanted potatoes to be bought at the market. 12. I want these books to be returned. 13. She expects the teacher to ask her. 14. I want you to go to France. 15. We made him to study English. 16. We saw him entering the office.


Упражнение 460

1. Говорят, что он все знает об этом. 2. Говорили, что он знал об этом всю правду. 3. Известно, что Юрий Гагарин — первый человек в мире, совершивший полет в космос 12 апреля 1961 года. 4. Полагают, что он очень хороший киноактер. 5. Полагают, что он невиновен в преступлении. 6. Объявили, что невинные люди были убиты террористами. 7. Объявили, что террорист был убит своей собственной бомбой. 8. Ожидают, что выставка французской живописи 19 века откроется к концу следующей недели. 9. Сообщают, что картина Моне будет на выставке до конца месяца. 10. Сообщили, что президент России обратится с речью к народу по телевидению сегодня вечером. 11. Известно, что американский астронавт (космонавт) Нейл Армстронг является первым человеком, который ступил на Луну в 1969 году. 12. Считают, что он самый богатый человек в мире. 13. Говорят, что она берет деньги в долг, но не беспокоится о том, чтобы их возвратить. 14. Считают, что ты послушный и умный мальчик. 15. Предполагали, что студенты придут вовремя и примут участие в марафоне. 16. Вы должны проверить сдачу (Предполагают, что вы проверите сдачу), прежде чем уйдете от кассира. 17. Рассчитывали, что он сдаст экзамен по математике. 18. Говорят, что мама знает, как правильно поступать. 19. Думают, что у Сергея есть способности к языкам, Известно, что его английский язык отличный. 20. Полагают, что Анна Муттер — одна из самых замечательных скрипачей в мире. 21. Известно, что Леонардо да Винчи — великий итальянский художник эпохи Возрождения. Считают, что портрет Моны Лизы — одно из его самых знаменитых произведений. 22. Известно, что верные друзья, как бриллианты, драгоценны, но редки. Говорят, что ложные друзья похожи на осенние листья, встречаемые повсюду (которые можно найти везде).

Упражнение 461

1. Известно, что в нашей стране каждый год выпускают много книг. 2. Предполагают, что вы окончите институт через четыре года. 3. Говорят, что радий очень радиоактивен. 4. Было известно, что этот прибор спроектировали в той лаборатории. 5. Его изобретение считается очень важным. 6. Известно, что солнце представляет собой массу сжатых газов. 7. Сообщают, что новая ракета будет запущена (в производство) в следующем году. 8. Полагают, что у этого типа ракет имеется много преимуществ. 9. Долгое время полагали, что атом неделим. 10. Обнаружили, что атом гелия имеет два электрона. 11. Я не знал, чего от меня ждали, поэтому не сказал ничего. 12. Говорили, что он один из самых многообещающих ядерных физиков. 13. Говорят, что он хороший переводчик. 14. Было известно, что Роберта — честная и трудолюбивая девушка. 15. Ожидали, что Клайд приедет в конце недели. 16. Предполагали, что Бекки и Том остались у вдовы Дуглас. 17. Сообщают, что число безработных увеличивается с каждым годом. 18. Ожидают, что скоро выпустят много новых учебников. 19. Говорят, что Московское метро самое красивое в мире. 20. Известно, что заяц бегает очень быстро. 21. Видели, что мужчина снял пальто. 22. Говорят, что алмазные прииски в Западной Якутии нисколько не уступают по богатству всемирно известным Южноафриканским приискам. 23. Известно, что мой близкий друг выучил „Евгения Онегина" наизусть. 24. Считается, что эти приборы очень эффективны.

Упражнение 462

1. The climate there is considered to be very healthy. 2. The Chinese dancers were announced to arrive next week. 3. The performance is expected to be a success. 4. The book is said to be popular with both old and young. 5. The poem is believed to have been written by an unknown soldier. 6. The playwright is supposed to be working at a new comedy. 7. The flood is reported to have caused much damage to the crops. 8. The crops were supposed to be rich that year. 9. This mineral water has been found to be very good for the liver. 10. Electricity is considered to exist throughout space. 11. The weather in Europe is said to have been exceedingly hot last summer. 12. Five ships were reported to be missing after the battle.

Упражнение 463

1. Кажется, эта работа займет много времени. 2. Операция казалась сложной. 3. Так уж случилось, что деньги меня не интересуют. 4. Так случилось, что в середине лекции доктор Соммервилл остановился и взглянул в окно. 5. С первого упоминания о Длинном Джоне я боялся, что он может оказаться тем самым одноногим моряком, за которым я так долго наблюдал на постоялом дворе. 6. Казалось, что со времени их последней встречи Клайд не думал ни о ком другом, кроме Сондры. 7. По всему было видно, что Клайд забыл о своем обещании проводить свободные вечера с Робертой. 8. Оказалось, что она отличная артистка. 9. Однажды случилось так, что Заяц встретился с Черепахой. 10. Казалось, что Черепаха ползет очень медленно. 11. Оказалось, что Заяц проиграл состязание в беге. 12. Кааалось, что аппарат в отличном состоянии. 13. Похоже, что вы нашли в нем нечто, чего я не заметил. 14. Похоже, что новые методы работы очень эффективны. 15. Процентное содержание угля в этой стали оказалось очень низким. 16. Оказалось, что Ирвинг высокий бледнолицый парень. 17. Оказалось, что его контора расположена на одной из отдаленных (от центра) улиц. 18. Он оказался идеальным человеком. 19. Кажется, она не хочет делать ничего, что я предлагаю. 20. Оказалось, что он не испытывает никаких родственных чувств к своему племяннику. 21. Казалось, это забавляет полисмена. 22. Вы можете легко проникнуть внутрь через окно, если дверь случайно окажется запертой. 23. Казалось, что крестьяне не видят ее. 24. Казалось, Овод невзлюбил сеньору Грассини со времени их первой встречи. 25. Кажется, вы не сделали для себя ничего хорошо тем, что уехали. 26. "Джим," — сказал он, наконец, голосом, который, казалось, не принадлежал ему.

Упражнение 464

1. They seem to know all about it. 2. They seem to have heard all about it. 3. The discussion seemed to be coming to an end. 4. You don't seem to approve of the idea. 5. The house seemed not to have been lived in for a long time. 6. He appeared to be losing patience. 7. He appeared not to have heard what had been said. 8. I happened to be present at the opening session. 9. I happened to overhear their conversation. 10. My prediction turned out to be correct. 11. The language of the article turned out to be quite easy.

Упражнение 465

1. Мы, большинство из нас, хотим очень многого, чего мы, похоже, не получим. 2. Он обязательно расскажет мне все об этом событии, даже если я не попрошу его. 3. Когда Сондра сказала, что они обязательно встретятся снова, она увидела, что лицо Клайда вдруг просияло. 4. Если мы будем продолжать спорить, мы обязательно поссоримся. 5. Они обязательно оценят (признают) ваш талант. 6. Он обязательно сообщит вам кое-какие полезные сведения. 7. Похоже, что эта статья появится в следующем номере журнала. 8. Мистер Уординг обязательно скоро вернется. 9. Эти двое молодых людей обязательно будут очень хорошими друзьями. 10. Вы обязательно будете там завтра вечером, не правда ли? 11. Непохоже, что она переменит свое мнение. 12. Они обязательно должны были достичь взаимопонимания. 13. Не беспокойтесь: все обязательно устроится. 14. Этот новый курс лечения обязательно поможет вашей бабушке.

Упражнение 466

1. This building is said to have been erected in the 17th century. 2. The meeting is supposed to be over at ten o'clock. 3. Cold weather was never expected to set in so early. 4. We turned out to have met. 5. You seem to be tired. 6. The working conditions turned out to be more difficult than it had been supposed (than they had been supposed to be). 7. Do you happen to know this man? 8. The book you gave me has turned out to be dull. 9. The new buses turned out to be very comfortable. 10. Of the three Bronte sisters Charlotte is considered to be the most talented one. 11. The English woman-writer Voinich is known to have lived in St Petersburg for a number of years and (to have) studied Russian literature. Russian literature is considered to have influenced her creative activity. 12. Your friend seems to be very interested in ancient history. 13. The Romans are known to have built good roads on the British Isles. 14. The poem "Beowulf" is supposed to have been written in the 8th century. 15. Walter Scott is considered to be the creator of the historical novel. 16. The expedition is reported to have reached its destination. 17. I happen to know his telephone number. 18. He turned out to be a good sportsman. 19. He seems to be writing a new article; he seems to have been working at it for two weeks already. 20. I happened to meet him in Moscow. 21. They are supposed to know about it more than they want to show. 22. Jim turned out to be a brave boy. 23. Rochester happened to meet Jane on his way home. 24. He is said to have been working at his invention for several years. 25. This article is said to have been translated into all the languages of the world. 26. You seem to have read a lot before entering the university. 27. They are expected to win the match.


Упражнение 467

1. If you are busy, I shall leave you alone.
2. If you were busy, I should leave you alone.
3. If you had been busy, I should have left you alone.

1. If my friend comes to see me, I shall be very glad.
2. If my friend came to see me, I should be very glad.
3. If my friend had come to see me, I should have been very glad.

1. If mother buys a cake, we shall have a very nice tea party.
2. If mother bought a cake, we should have a very nice tea party.
3. If mother had bought a cake, we should have had a very nice tea party.

1. If we receive a telegram from him, we shall not worry.
2. If we received a telegram from him, we should not worry.
3. If we had received a telegram from him, we should not have worried.

1. If you don't work systematically, you will fail the exam.
2. If you did not work systematically, you would fail the exam.
3. If you had not worked systematically, you would have failed the exam.

1. If I live in Moscow, I shall visit the Tretyakov Art Gallery every year.
2. If I lived in Moscow, I should visit the Tretyakov Art Gallery every year.
3. If I had lived in Moscow, I should have visited the Tretyakov Art Gallery every year.

1. If I get a ticket, I shall go to the Philharmonic.
2. If I got a ticket, I should go to the Philharmonic.
3. If I had got a ticket, I should have gone to the Philharmonic.

1. If I live near a wood, I shall gather a lot of mushrooms.
2. If I lived near a wood, I should gather a lot of mushrooms.
3. If I had lived near a wood, I should have gathered a lot of mushrooms.

1. If my father returns early, we shall watch TV together.
2. If my father returned early, we should watch TV together.
3. If my father had returned early, we should have watched TV together.

1. If she knows English, she will try to enter the university.
2. If she knew English, she would try to enter the university.
3. If she had known English, she would have tried to enter the university.

Упражнение 468

1. If I were not too busy, I should go to the concert.
2. If I had not been too busy, I should have gone to the concert.

1. They would all be surprised if I made such a mistake.
2. They would all have been very surprised if I had made such a mistake.

1. If he didn't come on time, should we have to wait for him?
2. If he hadn't come on time, should we have had to wait for him?

1. If no one came to help, we should be obliged to do the work ourselves.
2. If no one had come to help, we should have been obliged to do the work ourselves.

1. If you put on your glasses, you would see better.
2. If you had put on your glasses, you would have seen better.

1. What should we do if they were late?
2. What should we have done if they had been late?

1. Would you be very angry if we didn't come?
2. Would you have been very angry if we hadn't come?

1. Would he be very displeased if I didn't ring him up?
2. Would he have been very displeased if I hadn't rung him up?

Упражнение 469

If I live in the south, I shall bathe every day.
If I live in the south, I shall be very happy.
If I live in the south, I shall be very glad.

If I come home late, I shall go to bed at once.

If I live in the country, I shall often go to the wood.
If I live in the country, I shall bathe every day.
If I live in the country, I shall gather many mushrooms.

If I live in the country, I shall be very happy.
If I live in the country, I shall be very glad.

If I go to the wood, I shall gather many mushrooms.
If I go to the wood, I shall be very happy.
If I go to the wood, I shall be very glad.

If I receive his letter, I shall be very happy.
If I receive his letter, I shall be very glad.

If I fall ill, I shall go to the doctor.
If I fall ill, I shall go to bed at once.

If I find my book, I shall be very glad.
If I find my book, I shall be very happy.

If I lose my money, I shall be very sorry.

If I see my friend, I shall ask his advice.
If I see my friend, I shall be very happy.
If I see my friend, I shall be very glad.

Упражнение 470

I wish I were in the south. If I were in the south, I should bathe every day.
I wish I were at home. If I were at home, I should go to bed.
I wish I were in the country. If I were in the country, I should go to the wood.
I wish I were in the wood. If I were in the wood, I should gather many mushrooms.
I wish I were at the camp. If I were at the camp, I should have a very good time.
I wish I were a scientist. If I were a scientist, I should invent a time machine.
I wish I were a composer. If I were a composer, I should write beautiful music.
I wish I were a poet. If I were a poet, I should write beautiful poetry.
I wish I were a writer. If I were a writer, I should write interesting novels.
I wish I were a spaceman. If I were a spaceman, I should fly to other planets.
I wish I were a sailor. If I were a sailor, I should sail to Africa.

Упражнение 471

I wish I had translated the article yesterday. If I had translated the article yesterday, I should have found out all about this discovery.
I wish I had met you yesterday. If I had met you yesterday, I should have told you something.
I wish I had read this new book. If I had read this new book, I should have told you about it.
I wish I had seen your brother yesterday. If I had seen your brother yesterday, I should have asked him to come to our place.
I wish I had bought a dictionary. If I had bought a dictionary, I should have translated the text.
I wish I had learned my lesson. If I had learned my lesson, I should have got a good mark.
I wish I had rung him up yesterday. If I had rung him up yesterday, I should have found out all about his illness.
I wish I had gone to the library. If I had gone to the library, I should have got that book.
I wish I had had more practice in chess. If I had had more practice in chess, I should have won the game yesterday.
I wish I had joined you in fishing. If I had joined you in fishing, I should have caught a lot of fish.
I wish I had had a ticket yesterday. If I had had a ticket yesterday, I should have gone to the theatre with you.
I wish I had asked you to help me. If I had asked yon to help me, I should have done the work well.
I wish I had called at that shop. If I had called at that shop, I should have bought the book.
I wish I had called on my friend yesterday. If I had called on my friend yesterday, I should have met interesting people.
I wish I had won the championship. If I had won the championship, I should have been sent abroad.
I wish I had heard about it yesterday. If I had heard about it yesterday, I should have been pleased.

Упражнение 472

1. He would not have. 2. You give. 3. She were not. 4. We shall spend. 5. They had not gone. 6. You don't get. 7. You would consult. 8. I had. 9. It rains. 10. He had worked. 11. I shall not put. 12. I should have written. 13. He did not read. 14. My friend is.

Упражнение 473

1. You don't buy. 2. He will certainly come. 3. He had not hurt. 4. My friend worked. 5. You would improve. 6. Your mother will be. 7. She had returned. 8. I should buy. 9. You ring. 10. You were. 11. He would not know. 12. He had come. 13. He does not pass. 14. She had not helped. 15. He did not read. 16. I should have gone. 17. I should get.

Упражнение 474

1. My brother is. 2. I shall stay. 3. She would not be. 4. You did not smoke. 5. He had learnt. 6. I should translate. 7. I were. 8. Barbara had got. 9. It would not have got. 10. He came. 11. He lived. 12. You had gone. 13. You don't listen. 14. He would not spend. 15. My friend had not lent. 16. We should not meet. 17. I should have done.

Упражнение 475

1. It snows. 2. I did not know. 3. I should not do it. 4. Men had. 5. You waste. 6. I had. 7. I had. 8. She had been. 9. He would never have phoned. 10. Your brother would become. 11. He were. 12. He would not have caught. 13. You had put. 14. I knew. 15. I should have brought.

Упражнение 476

1. She had asked. 2. You did. 3. He will agree. 4. I had not been. 5. His vocabulary will increase. 6. They had known. 7. I get. 8. You would go. 9. You would not have missed. 10. You had not missed. 11. You would not have missed. 12. You had not missed. 13. You had understood. 14. You would not have got. 15. Your mother would not have scolded. 16. Your mother had not scolded.

Упражнение 477

1. It rains. 2. A dog bit. 3. He would have taken. 4. I had. 5. She wouldn't have been. 6. I had lived. 7. She would get. 8. His friend had been. 9. My cactus plant hadn't had. 10. They would have sent. 11. He would telephone ... and help. 12. You will have. 13. She hadn't been. 14. They would have enjoyed. 15. A robber attacked. 16. He wouldn't have fallen. 17. You didn't smoke. 18. Her alarm clock had rung.

Упражнение 478

1. Would you attack. 2. They would stay ... and would probably survive. 3. He would have succeeded. 4. I had lived. 5. She smelt. 6. He had been invited. 7. The accident wouldn't have happened. 8. You don't know. 9. They would have given. 10. I should (would) read. 11. They would have watched. 12. It wouldn't have shrunk. 13. You get, you are. 14. They had gone. 15. I were. 16. He had brought. 17. My mother won. 18. You would have been.

Упражнение 479

1. You read, I should lend. 2. You had read, you would have seen. 3. He were, he would not play. 4. He had been, would not have taken. 5. It were not raining, would not be. 6. Would you have been, I had not come. 7. We did not have, we should walk. 8. The evening were not, we should continue. 9. You were, you would study.

Упражнение 480

1. If he were not busy, he would come to see us. 2. If the girl had studied well last year, she would not have received bad marks. 3. If he had not broken his bicycle, he would have gone to the country. 4. If he had (more) practice, he would speak English better. 5. If I had not had a bad headache yesterday, I should have come to see you. 6. If the ship had not sailed near the coast, it would not have struck a rock. 7. If he had been in town, he would have been present at our meeting. 8. If the pavement had not been so slippery, I should not have fallen and hurt my leg. 9. If the sea were not (so) rough, we should (could) sail to the island. 10. If they had not made a fire, the wolves would not have run away. 11. If it were not late, I should not have to go home. 12. If I had not expected my friend to come, I should (could) have gone to the cinema with you. 13. If mathematics were not his favourite subject nnd he did not work a lot at it, he would not always get top marks. 14. If I had had a dictionary, I should have translated the article yesterday. 15. If the night had not been pitch-dark, we should not have lost our way. 16. If the box had not been so heavy, (I could have carried it and) I should not have taken a taxi.

Упражнение 481

1. If the travellers had had a camera with them, they would (could) have taken photos of the beautiful scenery. 2. If there had been any sugar left, we should not have had to go to the shop late in the evening. 3. If this house were not situated close to a chemical plant, the air around would not be bad and the house would be very good for living. 4. If I were acquainted with him, I should ask his advice. 5. If you did not have a toothache, you would (could) enjoy this merry evening party. 6. If you were not so absent-minded, you would not make so many mistakes. 7. If you had rung me up, I should have known you were in trouble. 8. If you had not left the child alone, he would not have hurt himself. 9. If they had not spent a year in the tropics, they would not have got so sun-tanned. 10. If it had not rained so heavily, we should not have got drenched to the skin. 11. If you had watched the cat, it would not have eaten the fish. 12. If a huge black cloud had not appeared from behind the forest, we should not have turned back and hurried home. 13. If it were not so late, we should go to see them. 14. If you had not been in her way,- she would not have been angry.

Упражнение 482

1. I had. 2. I had consulted. 3. It were. 4. I had not lent. 5. You sent. 6. I did not have. 7. You had gone. 8. I knew. 9. I had not drunk. 10. You read. 11. I had never suggested. 12. I had been. 13. We met. 14. You had seen. 15. They did not see. 16. He had not forgotten.

Упражнение 483

1. I could. 2. She had seen. 3. I had passed. 4. I hadn't forgotten. 5. He hadn't broken. 6. She had stayed. 7. He knew. 8. It were. 9. It had been. 10. She lived. 11. He hadn't done. 12. I had brought. 13. I could. 14. You were. 15. They could. 16. Things were.

Упражнение 484

1. I wish they returned before Christmas. 2. The student wished he had studied the material better and shown better knowledge at the exam. 3. I wish you had sent for us last night. 4. I wish you were with us these days. 5. I wish you knew enough physics. 6. He wished he had had enough time to finish his paper. 7. I wish we were able to reach home before teatime. 8. I wish I had not made you upset by telling you this news. 9. My friend wishes he had gone to university. 10. My friend wishes he had entered the university.

Упражнение 485

1. a) I wish he were not so light-minded.
б) I wish he were more serious.
2. a) Now I wish I had listened to his advice (had followed his advice).
б) Now I wish I had not followed his advice.

3. a) I wish you had not come so late.
б) I wish you had come earlier.

4. a) I wish we had not gone before he came.
б) I wish we had waited till he came.

5. a) I wish they knew it already.
б) I wish they did not know about it.

Упражнение 486

1. Oh, how I wish you had told her about it last Sunday! 2. I wish we had holidays now. 3. Oh, I wish he came tonight! 4. We wished we had asked his advice. 5. I wish you had not refused to take part in the picnic. 6. I wish you were interested in this subject. 7. We wish you mentioned these facts. 8. I wish we had not missed the train. 9. I wish you had turned on the TV earlier. 10. I wish I were free now! 11. I wish I had had more time yesterday. 12. I wish you wrote her about it yourself. 13. I wish you had paid attention to his warning. 14. He wished he had not quitted (quit) the university. 15. I wish it were not too late to go there. 16. Oh, how I wish I had come to the railway station in time! 17. I wish you had read this wonderful book. 18.I wish she did not make so many mistakes in her speech. 19. I wish you had visited the exhibition. 20. I wish I had learned about it earlier. 21. I wish we had found Nick at home. 22. She wished she had told us this story before.

Упражнение 487

1. If I did not have a toothache, I should not go to the dentist. 2. If he had gone to the dentist to have his tooth filled, he would not be groaning with pain now. 3. If she needed some treatment, she would go to the polyclinic. 4. If he had not been present at the dress rehearsal, he would go to see the play. 5. If he were not fond of this famous singer, he would not have gone in Moscow specially to hear him. 6. If we had been thirsty, we should have gone to the cafeteria to have a glass of lemonade. 7. If she had had a needle, she would (could) have mended her dress herself. 8. If he had trained enough last year, he would be a first-class sportsman now. 9. If the pupils had not wanted to understand this difficult material, they would not have been so active. 10. If the pupils had been more attentive, they would have understood the homework. 11. If the pupils had not worked hard, they would not have done well in their exams. 12. If she were good at foreign languages, she would try to enter the foreign languages department.

Упражнение 488

1. He has changed so much! If you met him, you would not recognize him. 2. If I were you, I should consult my parents. 3. If a tram came now, we should not be late. 4. If he had known that this would upset you, he would have been more careful. 5. If you helped me to solve this problem, I should be very grateful to you. 6. I wish it had occurred to us before to look for the book in the library. We should have done the work on time and now we should be free. 7. I wish we had had more lessons. If we had worked more, we should know the language better. 8. If he had not gone into training regularly, he would not have achieved such success in the competitions. 9. If you had warned me before, I should already be in Moscow. 10. I wish she had not gone. If you had called before, she would be here now. 11. If he were cleverer, he would not have gone to the wood yesterday. 12. If she had not sent this letter yesterday, my brother would be at home now. 13. What should we be doing now if mother had not hnked a pie yesterday? 14. I wish you had heard Rakhmaninov's music. If you had heard it, you would know what a wonderful composer he was. 15. I am sure that everybody would be glad if the party took place.

Упражнение 489

1. If I knew French, I should have spoken to her long ago. 2. If I knew German, I should read Goethe in the original. 3. If I lived near, I should call on you more often. 4. If you had not interrupted us yesterday we should have finished the work on time. 5. If he had not followed the doctor's advice, he would not have recovered so soon. 6. If he were not a talented painter, his picture would not have been taken to the exhibition. 7. If you had listened to my advice then (had followed my advice then), you would not be in such a difficult situation now. 8. If I were not so busy these days, I should have helped you yesterday. 9. If he were not so near-sighted, he would have recognized me in the theatre yesterday. 10. She is well. If she were ill, her brother would have told me about it yesterday. 11. You would know much if you read this magazine regularly. 12. If I had learnt about it before, I should not be staying at home now. 13. If my parents were rich, they would have bought me a car long ago. 14. She is very talented. I wish her parents bought her a piano. If she begins to play the piano now, she will become an outstanding musician.


Упражнение 490

1. Майк умеет очень быстро бегать. 2. Они понимают (могут понимать) французский язык. 3. Катя умеет хорошо говорить по-английски. 4. Мой брат может прийти и помочь вам работать в саду. 5. Вы умеете говорить по-испански? 6. Ваш брат может помочь мне с математикой? 7. Его маленькая сестра уже умеет ходить. 8. Дети не могут нести этот ящик: он слишком тяжелый. 9. Мой друг не может прийти вовремя. 10. Эта старушка не может спать ночью. 11. Его сестра умеет очень хорошо готовить. 12. Я умею петь, но не умею танцевать. 13. Вы не можете подождать до (завтрашнего) утра? — Я-то могу, да моя зубная боль не может. 14. Можно мне взять ваш карандаш на минутку? 15. Ее бабушка умеет хорошо нязать. 16. Я могу ответить на вопросы. Они очень легкие. 17. Эта поездка для меня слишком дорогая. Я не могу позволить ее себе (Это мне не по карману). 18. Она умеет печатать на машинке. Она умеет прекрасно вести разговор по телефону. Она надеется,что сможет найти работу, которую ищет. 19. Вы могли бы Вы зайти ко мне в следующую пятницу? — Извините, не могу.

Упражнение 491

1. I can speak English. 2. My father cannot speak German. 3. Can you speak French? 4. My sister cannot skate. 5. Can you swim across this river? 6. I cannot drink this milk. 7. She cannot understand you. 8. Could you swim last year? 9. Last year I could not ski, but now I can. 10. Can (Could) you tell me how to get to the railway station? 11. Could you help me? 12. I cannot translate this sentence. 13. Nobody could help me. 14. Where can I buy bread here? 15. Could your grandmother dance when she was young? — Yes, and she can dance now. 16. I can use a computer.

Упражнение 492

1. She won't be able to get to the airport in time. 2. Will you be able to send him e-mail tonight? 3. They won't be able to watch TV for a while because there is something wrong with the television. 4. I'm afraid he won't be able to help me move to my new house next week. 5. Will you be able to do this work tomorrow? 6. I think she won't be able to solve this problem. 7. Tomorrow I shall be free and I shall be able to help you. 8. Shall we be able to go to New York next year? 9. Will you be able to repair my tape recorder? 10. Yesterday I could not see the headmaster as he was at a conference, but today after work I shall be able to do it.

Упражнение 493

1. They will never be able to appreciate your kindness. 2. I was sure you would be able to (could) translate that article after you had translated so many texts on physics. 3. You will be able to go to the country when you have passed your last exam. 4. We can (shall be able to) pass to the next exercise when we have done this one. 5. I shall be able to give you my book for a couple of days after I have read it. 6. He has been able to ski for ten years. 7. We knew that she had been able to swim since childhood. 8. You won't be able to take part in this serious swimming competition until you have mastered good skills. 9. I had not been able to solve the problem before he explained it to me.

Упражнение 494

1. Можно я позову Колю к нам? 2. Теперь вы можете идти. 3. Если ты сделал домашнее задание, можешь идти гулять. 4. Не ходи в лес один: ты можешь заблудиться. 5. Можно мне пойти на почту с Майком? 6. Можно, я возьму Петину сумку? 7. Не давайте вазу ребенку: он может разбить ее. 8. Можно делать записи карандашом? 9. Нельзя переходить улицу по красному сигналу. 10. Можно закрыть дверь? 11. Дождь перестал, и мама сказала, что мы можем выйти на улицу. 12. Можно детям играть с ножницами? 13. Они могут совершить путешествие и морем. Это, может быть, и дешевле, но на это потребуется много времени (но это займет много времени). 14. Возможно (Может быть), это и правда. 15. Можно мне к вам зайти? 16. Могу я узнать, где вы пропадали?

Упражнение 495

1. May I come in? 2. May I go for a walk? 3. If your work is ready, you may go home. 4. The teacher said that we might go home. 5. The doctor says that I may bathe already. 6. Father said that we might go to the cinema alone. 7. I thought that I might watch TV. 8. If you don't put on your coat, you may fall ill. 9. Don't leave home: mother may come soon, and she has no key. 10. Be careful: you may fall. 11. Don't touch the dog: it may bite you. 12. We may go to the country on Sunday. 13. He may forget about it. 14. It may start raining soon. 15. There is nothing to do here. We may leave narly today. 16. You said I might borrow your bike. 17. You may leave now if you wish (want). 18. They may order tickets by the phone. 19. My elder brother may (might) go to university after school. 20. She may have musical talent.

Упражнение 496

1. Smoking is not allowed. 2. He wasn't allowed to smoke in their house. 3. In Britain you will be allowed to drive a car if you are seventeen years old. 4. In the USA you are allowed to go on driving even at the age of 90. 5. I am allowed to use father's tape recorder. 6. The children are already big. They are allowed to go to school alone. 7. He is not allowed to bathe in this river. 8. Yesterday she was allowed to come home at ten o'clock. 9. We are not allowed to talk in class. 10. Were you allowed to take this book? 11.1 think I shall not be allowed to go to the country with you. 12. You will be allowed to go for a walk when you have done your homework. 13. Were you allowed to go to the lake when you were little? 14. When shall I be allowed to eat ice cream? 15. You are not allowed to talk during the exam.

Упражнение 497

1. may. 2. was allowed to. 3. may. 4. may. 5. might. 6. were allowed to. 7. will be allowed to, 8. might. 9. will be allowed to. 10. may. 11. might. 12. may. 13. may.

Упражнение 498

1. can. 2. may. 3. may. 4. can, can, can. 5. may. 6. may. 7. can. 8. can, may.

Упражнение 499

1. may. 2. may. 3. can, may. 4. can. 5. may. 6. may. 7. can. 8. may. 9. may (can). 10. may. 11. can.

Упражнение 500

1. can. 2. could. 3. could. 4. can, may. 5. might. 6. may (can). 7. can. 8. can. 9. may. 10. can. 11. may. 12. could. 13. may. 14. can (could). 15. may. 16. could. 17. can. 18. can. Слова-маркеры и основные признаки времен в английской грамматике. Краткий обзор времен.

Три самых активных вспомогательных глагола в английском языке: to be, to do, to have. Полезно знать, как изменяются эти слова, чтобы употребление времен не составило труда.

Определенную трудность представляют неправильные глаголы – они образуют форму прошедшего времени (Past Simple) и причастия прошедшего времени (Past Participle) не стандартным прибавлением окончания -ed, а особым способом. Их нужно учить отдельно.

Английский язык – твой шаг к успеху. Начни сейчас. Самоучитель – Голицынский с ответами NJNJ.RU.

В помощь тем, кто занимается самостоятельно, предлагается полный сборник ключей, т.е. выполненных упражнений.

Ответы помогут проверить правильность выполнения упражнений, систематизировать и углубить знания школьной программы по английскому языку.

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