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Present and past
- Present continuous (I am doing)
- Present simple (I do)
- Present continuous and present simple 1 (I am doing and I do)
- Present continuous and present simple 2 (I am doing and I do)
- Past simple (I did)
- Past continuous (I was doing)
Present perfect and past
- Present perfect 1 (I have done)
- Present perfect 2 (I have done)
- Present perfect continuous (I have been doing)
- Present perfect continuous and simple (I have been doing and I have done)
- How long have you (been) ... ?
- For and since When ... ? and How long ... ?
- Present perfect and past 1 (I have done and I did)
- Present perfect and past 2 (I have done and I did)
- Past perfect (I had done)
- Past perfect continuous (I had been doing)
- Have got and have
- Used to (do)
- Present tenses (I am doing / I do) for the future
- (I’m) going to (do)
- Will/shall 1
- Will/shall 2
- I will and I’m going to
- Will be doing and will have done
- When I do / When I’ve done When and if
- Can, could and (be) able to
- Could (do) and could have (done)
- Must and can’t
- May and might 1
- May and might 2
- Have to and must
- Must mustn’t needn’t
- Should 1
- Should 2
- Had better It’s time ...
- Would
- Can/Could/Would you ... ? etc. (Requests, offers, permission and invitations)
If and wish
- If I do ... and If I did ...
- If I knew ... I wish I knew ...
- If I had known ... I wish I had known
- Wish
- Passive 1 (is done / was done)
- Passive 2 (be done / been done / being done)
- Passive 3
- It is said that ... He is said to ... He is supposed to ...
- Have something done
Reported speech
- Reported speech 1 (He said that ...)
- Reported speech 2
Questions and auxiliary verbs
- Questions 1
- Questions 2 (Do you know where ...? / He asked me where ...)
- Auxiliary verbs (have/do/can etc.) I think so / I hope so etc.
- Question tags (do you? isn’t it? etc.)
-ing and the infinitive
- Verb + -ing (enjoy doing / stop doing etc.)
- Verb + to ... (decide to ... / forget to ... etc.)
- Verb (+ object) + to ... (I want you to ... etc.)
- Verb + -ing or to ... 1 (remember/regret etc.)
- Verb + -ing or to ... 2 (try/need/help)
- Verb + -ing or to ... 3 (like / would like etc.)
- Prefer and would rather
- Preposition (in/for/about etc.) + -ing
- Be/get used to something (I’m used to ...)
- Verb + preposition + -ing (succeed in -ing / accuse somebody of -ing etc.)
- Expressions + -ing
- To ... , for ... and so that ... (purpose)
- Adjective + to ...
- To ... (afraid to do) and preposition + -ing (afraid of -ing)
- See somebody do and see somebody doing
- -ing clauses (Feeling tired, I went to bed early.)
Articles and nouns
- Countable and uncountable 1
- Countable and uncountable 2
- Countable nouns with a/an and some
- A/an and the
- The 1
- The 2 (school / the school etc.)
- The 3 (children / the children)
- The 4 (the giraffe / the telephone / the piano etc., the + adjective)
- Names with and without the 1
- Names with and without the 2
- Singular and plural
- Noun + noun (a tennis ball / a headache)
- -’s (your sister’s name) and of ... (the name of the book)
Pronouns and determiners
- Myself/yourself/themselves etc.
- A friend of mine My own house On my own / by myself
- There ... and it ...
- Some and any
- No/none/any Nothing/nobody etc.
- Much, many, little, few, a lot, plenty
- All / all of most / most of no / none of etc.
- Both / both of neither / neither of either / either of
- All, every and whole
- Each and every
Relative clauses
- Relative clauses 1: clauses with who/that/which
- Relative clauses 2: clauses with and without who/that/which
- Relative clauses 3: whose/whom/where
- Relative clauses 4: extra information clauses (1)
- Relative clauses 5: extra information clauses (2)
- -ing and -ed clauses (the woman talking to Tom, the boy injured in the accident)
Adjectives and adverbs
- Adjectives ending in -ing and -ed (boring/bored etc.)
- Adjectives: a nice new house, you look tired
- Adjectives and adverbs 1 (quick/quickly)
- Adjectives and adverbs 2 (well/fast/late, hard/hardly)
- So and such
- Enough and too
- Quite, pretty, rather and fairly
- Comparison 1 (cheaper, more expensive etc.)
- Comparison 2 (much better / any better / better and better / the sooner the better)
- Comparison 3 (as ... as / than)
- Superlatives (the longest, the most enjoyable etc.)
- Word order 1: verb + object; place and time
- Word order 2: adverbs with the verb
- Still, yet and already Any more / any longer / no longer
- Even
Conjunctions and prepositions
- Although / though / even though In spite of / despite
- In case
- Unless As long as Provided/providing
- As (As I walked along the street ... / As I was hungry ...)
- Like and as
- As if / as though / like
- For, during and while
- By and until By the time ...
- At/on/in (time)
- On time and in time At the end and in the end
- In/at/on (position) 1
- In/at/on (position) 2
- In/at/on (position) 3
- To/at/in/into
- In/at/on (other uses)
- By
- Noun + preposition (reason for, cause of etc.)
- Adjective + preposition 1
- Adjective + preposition 2
- Verb + preposition 1 to and at
- Verb + preposition 2 about/for/of/after
- Verb + preposition 3 about and of
- Verb + preposition 4 of/for/from/on
- Verb + preposition 5 in/into/with/to/on
Phrasal verbs
- Phrasal verbs 1 Introduction
- Phrasal verbs 2 in/out
- Phrasal verbs 3 out
- Phrasal verbs 4 on/off (1)
- Phrasal verbs 5 on/off (2)
- Phrasal verbs 6 up/down
- Phrasal verbs 7 up (1)
- Phrasal verbs 8 up (2)
- Appendix 1 Regular and irregular verbs
- Appendix 2 Present and past tenses
- Appendix 3 The future
- Appendix 4 Modal verbs (can/could/will/would etc.)
- Appendix 5 Short forms (I’m / you’ve / didn’t etc.)
- Appendix 6 Spelling
- Appendix 7 American English
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