Пособие содержит практические упражнения различной степени сложности по основным разделам школьного курса английского языка.
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1. Она всегда мечтала жить в маленьком домике у моря. 2. Ей не нравилось жить в своем старом доме. 3. Она думала о том, чтобы купить новый дом. 4. Итак, она получает огромное удовольствие от того, что живет в красивом новом доме. 5. Конечно же, она скучает по общению с соседями. 6. Она обычно любила поболтать с ними и была не прочь помочь им. 7. Ей очень нравится готовить, и она прекрасно справляется с этим. 8. Но она не любит стирать и гладить. 9. Она ненавидит рано вставать, но ей приходится это делать. 10. Вы знаете, она ничего не имеет против того, чтобы много работать. 11. Ей доставляет удовольствие водить дорогую машину. 12. Она всегда мечтала о путешествии вокруг света (о том, чтобы совершить путешествие вокруг света). 13. Но она терпеть не может летать на самолете, и поэтому она никогда не была за морем (за границей). 14. Она возглавила коммерческую фирму, несмотря на то, что она женщина в мире мужчин (в мире бизнеса). 15. Она любит встречаться с людьми, потому что она не выносит одиночества. 16. Она обожает беседовать с представителями прессы и появляться в телепередачах. 17. Ей доставляет большое удовольствие фотографироваться, так как она считает, что она красива. 18. Она ненавидит, когда над ней смеются. 19. Ей нравится, когда на нее пристально смотрят, поскольку она думает, что она привлекательна. 20. Но она терпеть не может, когда ее игнорируют (когда на нее не обращают внимание).
1. Я прекрасно понимаю Ваше желание начать работу сейчас же. 2. Все будут обсуждать это событие: этого не избежать. 3. Наконец, он прервал молчание, пригласив всех пройти в столовую. 4. Когда ей сообщили новость, она побледнела. 5. Это место стоит посетить. 6. Смотреть футбольные матчи может быть достаточно интересно, но, конечно, гораздо интереснее играть в футбол. 7. Она перестала приходить к нам, и я недоумевала, что с ней случилось. 8. Вы не помните, что Вы раньше видели этого человека? 9. Она приходила в ужас от необходимости говорить с кем-нибудь, и в еще больший ужас, когда с ней говорили. 10. Он был готов выйти из клуба, когда портье остановил его. 11. Когда преподаватель проверил работы, они были возвращены студентам. 12. Я недоумевал, как это мама разрешила эту поездку.
1. Он продолжает настаивать на том, чтобы я поехала на юг. 2. О, пожалуйста, перестаньте смеяться над ним. 3. Вы не возражаете, если я задам Вам трудный вопрос? 4. Вы не возражали бы против того, чтобы прийти снова через день или два. 5. Я не возражаю против того, чтобы носить это платье. 6. Она не могла не улыбнуться. 7. Я не могу отложить выполнение этого перевода. 8. Хотя Дэвид устал, он продолжал идти по направлению к Дувру. 9. Я избегал говорить с ними об этом деле. 10. Она расплакалась. 11. Они рассмеялись. 12. Она отрицала, что была дома в тот вечер. 13. Он очень любил говорить об удовольствии, которое доставляют ему путешествия. 14. Извините меня за то, что я покидаю вас в такой момент. 15. Пожалуйста, простите меня за то, что я вмешиваюсь. 16. Он бросил курить несколько лет назад. 17. Они продолжали разговаривать. 18. Ее муж имел обыкновение курить, но два года назад он прекратил курение. Да было уже поздно. 19. Ты еще не закончила мыть посуду? 20. Не нервничай! Прекрати кусать ногти! 21. Он отложил поездку в Нью-Йорк, поскольку он заболел.
1. Stop talking. 2. We have finished working at this problem. 3. Go on singing. 4. Do you mind opening the window? 5. He denied having participated in the crime. 6. I enjoy painting. 7. We enjoyed swimming. 8. I could not help agreeing with him. 9. He burst out laughing. 10. She has given up smoking. 11. She avoided meeting him. 12. We shall put off discussing the report. 13. At last they stopped laughing. 14. She denied having stolen the money. 15. Let's postpone the trip to the country until next Saturday. 16. Excuse my having lost your pen. 17. When will she finish writing the composition? 18. I don't mind staying at home and working at my translation. 19. Stop trembling. Avoid showing these people that you are afraid of them. 20. I can't help worrying about them: they have stopped writing. 21. I don't deny having seen them that evening. 22. He did not mind being examined: he had stopped pretending that he was healthy (that he was in good health; that he was well). 23. He cannot forgive my having torn his bag. 24. She denied having taken my watch. 25. The boy enjoys giving orders to his little sister. 26. Please excuse my bad handwriting. 27. Could (can) I borrow that book when you have finished reading it? 28. Her son tried to avoid answering her questions because he was ashamed (of having lied to her) that he had lied before. 29. He couldn't help thinking that his son had made a big mistake. 30. Please excuse me for opening your letter by mistake. 31. I've given up eating meat and every day I enjoy eating healthier food.
1. Моему другу удалось перевести этот трудный текст. 2. Она подозревала, что он обманывает ее. 3. Бедный крестьянин сердечно поблагодарил Робина Гуда за то, что тот помог ему. 4. Он оставил мысль когда-либо получить известие от нее. 5. Мы с нетерпением ждем новой встречи с вами. 6. Он всегда мечтал о том, чтобы побывать в других странах. 7. Он упорствовал в попытках решить эту трудную проблему (задачу). 8. Холодная погода мешала (не давала) девушкам ходить на длинные прогулки. 9. Джейн подумывала о том, чтобы уехать из Лоувуда после того, как мисс Темпл вышла замуж. 10. Они обвиняют его в ограблении дома. 11. Он никогда не соглашался на то, чтобы они отправлялись в это опасное путешествие. 12. Он не одобрял того, что она пьет так много кофе. 13. Учителю математики не нравилось, когда его ученики предавались мечтаниям. 14. Всё счастье моей жизни зависит от Вашей любви ко мне. 15. Мне не хочется (Я не расположен) видеть его. 16. Я настаиваю на том, чтобы мне сказали правду. 17. Я возражаю против того, чтобы он занимал у тебя деньги. 18. Я протянул руку, чтобы не дать ей упасть. 19. Он боялся разбудить ее. 20. Я с нетерпением жду отпуска (каникул). 21. Она поздравила себя с тем, что придумала такую отличную идею (что ей в голову пришла такая отличная идея).
1. Thank you for having sent me such beautiful flowers. 2. He was accused of having sold important state secrets. 3. He denied having sold them. 4. He insisted on being innocent. 5. He was afraid of being put into prison. 6. The noise in the next room prevented me from thinking. 7. I think of going to the south in summer. 8. The boy denied being constantly scolded and punished. 9. I insist on speaking to him. 10. I was looking forward to seeing my brother. 11. I don't feel like playing lotto today. 12. She succeeded in making a very good translation of this difficult text.
1. He was always ready for helping people. 2. He was very glad of being helped in his difficulty. 3. On being allowed to leave the room, the children immediately ran out into the yard and began playing. 4. In making this experiment, they came across some very interesting phenomena. 5. The results of the experiment must be checked and rechecked before being published. 6. David was tired of being scolded all the time. 7. The watch requires repairing. 8. The problem is not worth discussing. 9. Jane Eyre remembered having been (being) locked up in the red room for having contradicted Mrs. Reed. 10. Why do you avoid speaking to me? 11. She tried to avoid being spoken to. 12. The doctor insisted on sending the sick man to hospital. 13. The child insisted on being sent home at once. 14. Do you mind him being examined by a heart specialist? 15. He showed no sign of recognizing me. 16. She showed no sign of being surprised. 17. He had a strange habit of interfering in other people's business. 18. I was angry at being interrupted every other moment.
1. The machine needs cleaning. 2. I am quite serious in saying that I don't want to go abroad. 3. He seemed sorry for having been inattentive to his child. 4. She confessed to having forgotten to send the letter. 5. The old man could not stand being told what he should do. 6. Going to the party was no use: he had no talent for dancing. 7. The Bronze Horseman is worth seeing. 8. After thoroughly examining the student, the professor gave him a satisfactory mark. 9. After being thoroughly examined by the examination commission, the student was given a satisfactory mark. 10. She accused him of having stolen her purse. 11. She reproached me for not writing (having written) to her. 12. This job is not worth taking. 13. After looking through and marking the students' papers, the teacher handed them back. 14. After being looked through and marked, the papers were handed back to the students. 15. These clothes want washing. 16. David was very glad of having found his aunt. 17. Excuse me for having broken (breaking) your beautiful vase. 18. You never mentioned having been to Greece. 19. She was proud of being awarded the champion's cup. 20. I don't remember ever meeting (having met) your sister. 21. I don't remember being asked this question by an ybody. 22. The cat was punished for having broken the cup. 23. The cat was afraid of being punished and hid itself under the sofa.
1. The girls were busy packing when one of them suddenly remembered having left the milk on the stove which was probably boiling over. 2. Little David couldn't bear reciting his lessons in the presence of his stepfather and Miss Murdstone. They frightened him so that he couldn't help making mistakes though he tried hard to avoid displeasing them and being scolded. 3. I landed in London on an autumn evening. My friends expected me home for the holidays, but had no idea of my returning so soon. I had purposely not informed them of my coming that I might have the pleasure of taking them by surprise. And yet I had a feeling of disappointment in receiving (having received) no welcome. I even felt like crying. 4. The girl was proud of being chosen to represent the sportsmen of the school at the coming competition. She thanked her classmates for having chosen her and promised to do her best to win.
1. Мать была удивлена тем, что ее дочь так быстро убрала комнату. 2. Мои попытки убедить его бесполезны. 3. Когда ее спросили, почему она опоздала на поезд, она сказала что-то о том, что ее часы отстают. 4. Я не заметил, как она подошла. 5. Она пробыла в городе все лето, потому что ее дочь была больна. 6. Я не имел представления о том, что он уезжает из Петербурга так скоро. 7. Приезд тетушки доставляет мне большое удовольствие. 8. Библиотекарь не возражал против того, чтобы читатель задержал книгу еще на один день. 9. Она сказала, что ничего не знает о том, что дверь оставили открытой.
1. On entering the house, they heard the last bell ringing. 2. Thank you for having invited (inviting) me to the theatre. 3. The woman insisted on her husband consulting the doctor at once. 4. She could not even think of the operation being postponed. 5. There was little hope of James returning on the same day. 6. The thought of his having been turned away by the doorkeeper made him feel miserable. 7. The pleasant-faced middle-aged woman insisted on Olga coming to her town to teach. 8. Helen suggested their going on a trip. 9. There is a possibility of my father joining us for the trip. 10. The girls knew of the sportsman's having been awarded a prize. 11. I don't mind your walking to the underground station with me.
1. Nobody seeing them was a mere chance. 2. The mother insisted on her son entering the university. 3. The place looked so picturesque and cheerful that he rejoiced at the thought of coming to live there. 4. When he entered, she stood up and left the room without even looking at him. 5. On coming home from the college, after he had passed (after passing) his examinations, Robert felt very happy. 6. In the darkness they were afraid of losing their way. 7. On reaching his destination, he sent a telegram home to say that he had arrived safely. 8. Thank you for having helped (helping) me. 9. The new medicine may be recommended only after being approved by the Scientific Board. 10. You will never learn mistakes without writing them out. 11. On entering the room, the boy glanced curiously around. 12. The patient felt much better after being given proper treatment. 13. Just before leaving the classroom, I was approached by a fellow student who asked me to help him. 14. Looking at the man attentively, she remembered seeing him and speaking to him (having seen him and spoken to him) on several occasions.
1. My teacher insists on my reading aloud every day. 2. Will Mary have anything against my taking her umbrella for some time? 3. I remember seeing this picture somewhere. 4. Your being against John's proposal does not mean that I must decline it. 5. Your having taken English lessons some years ago helps you in your studies now. 6. I am told of you being very busy. 7. Do you mind my (me) smoking here? 8. Will you object to my closing the door? 9. Thank you for having done (doing) it.
1. Tom was afraid of being late. 2. Bill remembered walking about the factory gate for months. 3. After graduating from Harvard, the young man returned to Russia. 4. Mary asked John to forgive her (for) not having answered his letter sooner. 5. After passing our examinations, we had a very entertaining evening. 6. Michael remembered enjoying the trip to the Bahamas. 7. They gave up the idea of finding work. 8. The girls were afraid of missing the train. 9. I am thankful for having been given a chance to hear this outstanding singer. 10. Helen insisted on being given that job. 11. I don't remember ever seeing anyone dance like Plisetskaya.
1. I insist on helping her. 2. He denied having broken the vase. 3. She is afraid of losing her purse. 4. I don't approve of your wasting so much time (I disapprove of you (your) wasting so much time). 5. She thought of being busy all the time. 6. She accuses him of calling her too seldom. 7. Stop crying. 8. My little brother prevented me from doing my homework. 9. Do you mind my (me) coming a little later? (Would you mind my coming a little later?) 10. Go on writing. 11. Father objects to my going to the theatre with her. 12. I cannot help laughing looking (when I look) at you.
1. We gave up the idea of buying new furniture. 2. She was afraid of being punished. 3. Stop talking. 4. I don't deny having been there yesterday. 5. I approve of you (your) wishing to study German. 6. Do you mind my (me) going for a walk? (Would you mind my going for a walk?) 7. I can't help being afraid. 8. She denied having time. 9. Go on working. 10. I insist on seeing my friend. 11. Mother objects to my playing football too much. 12. He accuses me of not having helped him.
1. I cannot help thinking of it all the time. 2. I insist on going there. 3. Mother objects to my sitting up so late. 4. She complained of feeling unwell. 5. Do you mind my (me) smoking in this room? 6. I approve of your (you) helping grandmother. 7. I think of going to Australia. 8. He gave up playing football. 9. He was afraid of being forgotten. 10. Go on reading. 11. He thinks of my (me) disturbing him. 12. Bad weather prevented us from going to the country.
1. He burst out crying. 2. I cannot help admiring this wonderful painting. 3. Your mother objects to your coming home late. 4. I approve of your (you) working hard. 5. She denied having helped them. 6. Stop teasing the cat. 7. I am afraid of catching cold. 8. She doesn't deny having a textbook. 9. I insist on staying in St. Petersburg. 10. He accuses you of not writing (letters to him). 11. Do you mind my (me) going to bed? 12. Go on doing your homework.
1. He thought of entering the university. 2. He accuses me of not helping him. 3. I cannot help feeling ashamed. 4. She doesn't deny living in bad conditions. 5. Go on talking. 6. I insist on telling him the truth. 7. They were afraid of missing the train. 8. I disapprove of you (your) playing computer games. 9. We gave up the idea of going to the country. 10. She gave up dancing. 11. Mother objects to my bringing my friends to our home. 12. Do you mind my calling you?
1. Stop running. 2. He denied having taken the money. 3. He was afraid of losing his friends. 4. She disapproved of his having gone to the evening parties too often. 5. He thinks of you not having written (a letter to him). 6. His mother objects to his going to the cinema very often. 7. She accuses him of not having a car for her. 8. I cannot help being angry with him. 9. He burst out laughing. 10. Do you mind me bringing my friend? 11. I insist on asking his advice. 12. Go on writing to him.
1. She accuses him of not having money for her. 2. I cannot help being late for the first lesson. 3. Do you mind my taking your pen? 4. I don't approve of your playing cards. 5. He was accused of having robbed the house. 6. He gave up smoking a year ago. 7. She was afraid of speaking to the headmaster. 8. We gave up the idea of seeing him some day. 9. He accused us of not having visited him. 10. His mother objects to his reading in bed. 11. I insist on inviting them. 12. Go on discussing this question.
Причастие, герундий и отглагольное существительное
1. We all listened with great interest to the speaker criticizing the new book. 2. Criticizing the work of our sports club, he said that it was not satisfactory. 3. We were criticizing the work of our sanitary committee at that moment. 4. When we entered the classroom, we saw many students writing at the desks. 5. He was writing a letter when I entered the room. 6. Everybody ran to meet the people returning from the city. 7. They went home quickly protecting themselves from the rain by walking under the trees. 8. In this picture you can see a young man giving flowers to a girl. 9. Never jump off a moving train. 10. Running water is always better than standing water. 11. The remaining cakes were given to the children. 12. The cakes remaining from the evening were given to the children. 13. They went out to meet the returning women. 14. Returning home after a good holiday, he looked a picture of health.
1. I have no objection to your criticizing me. 2. Do you mind my writing with your pen? 3. Lydia could retell the English story she had read without looking into the book. 4. They went home quickly protecting themselves from the rain by walking under the trees. 5. In this factory much attention is paid to protecting the health of the workers. 6. He stopped writing and looked around. 7. Playing volleyball is a popular sport for young people. 8. She left the room without saying a word. 9. We had the pleasure of seeing the performance. 10. John likes studying history. 11. Reading books out of doors is his favourite way of spending the summer holidays, but he likes swimming and going on excursions as well. 12. You can learn what the new words mean by looking them up in the dictionary. 13. Before going to meet his friend, he went home to change his clothes. 14. Returning home after a good holiday is always pleasant.
1. He was looking at the plane flying overhead. 2. Wishing to learn to skate, she bought herself a pair of skates. 3. Being frightened by the dog, the cat climbed a high fence. 4. Coming out of the wood, the travellers saw a ruined castle in the distance. 5. Growing tomatoes need a lot of sunshine. 6. Growing corn on his desert island, Robinson Crusoe hoped to eat bread one day. 7. Having prepared all the necessary equipment, they began the experiment. 8. While translating the text, I looked up many words in the dictionary. 9. Entering the room, I saw my friends smiling at me. 10 Watching the playing kittens was great fun for the children.
1. Just imagine his coming first in the race! 2. The children were tired of running. 3. It is no use going there now. 4. My greatest pleasure is travelling. 5. Growing roses takes a lot of care and attention. 6. Marv will stop for a few days at the seaside before going back home. 7. I usualy help mother by washing the dishes and doing the rooms. 8. Instead of phoning his friend, he went to see him. 9. The boys continued playing football. 10. Watching the playing kittens was great fun for the children.
1. She blamed herself for having been a dull companion. 2. Your having written is really no excuse for your not coming on the day fixed. 3. The motor was carefully examined before starting. 4. I am very pleased to meet you after hearing so much about you. 5. Your hair wants cutting. 6. I shall look forward to seeing you again. 7. It was no use talking about it any longer. 8. Sleeping is necessary. 9. We felt so disappointed at your having missed nearly half the programme. 10. Are you dressed for going out? 11. I hate the idea of doing it once more. 12. But you don't mind being asked to help us, do you?
1. The singing of those beautiful folk songs impressed me greatly. 2. Such doings can hardly be explained. 3. The building of this house will cost much money. 4. Then came a general lighting of pipes and cigars. 5. The forest resounded with the hooting of owls and the howling of wolves.
1. The driving wheel of the machine is broken. 2. Driving in a motor car, we passed many villages. 3. Having been knocked down by a passing car, the poor man was at once taken to hospital. 4. You don't know what you miss, not having the desire to listen to good music. 5. I was told of a great friendship existing between the two captains. 6. There are many discoveries being made all over the world. 7. Seeing this man, I recollected perfectly having met him many years before.
1. We have every chance of passing our examinations well. 2. Travelling is a pleasant way of improving one's education. 3. It is no use crying over spilt milk. 4. Asking him for help is useless. 5. Happily we escaped being delayed on our way. 6. Seeing this man, I recollected perfectly having met him many years before.
1. These happenings are remarkable. 2. Every trust arranges for the marketing of its products.
1. Sitting by her sleeping child, the worried mother at last began to realize by its peaceful breathing that all danger was over. 2. I stopped knocking at the door and, sitting down at the top of the stairs, began waiting for my father to come. 3. With a sudden tightening of the muscles he became aware of a figure walking noiselessly beside him. 4. Having stopped crying, the child quieted down to hard thinking. 5. The old clock kept ticking on the mantelpiece, as if counting the seconds left before the coming of daylight. 6. Looking back upon that time, he realized how happy he had been then. 7. Tom lived there like a paying guest, attracting very little attention of the others.
1. Sitting by her sleeping child, the worried mother at last began to realize by its peaceful breathing that all danger was over. 2. I stopped knocking at the door and, sitting down at the top of the stairs, began waiting for my father to come. 3. She praised herself for having come. 4. Having stopped crying, the child quieted down to hard thinking. 5. The old clock kept ticking on the mantelpiece, as if counting the seconds left before the coming of daylight. 6. Remembering that time was like going back to his childhood and reliving those happy days.
1. With a sudden tightening of the muscles he became aware of a figure walking noiselessly beside him. 2. The old clock kept ticking on the mantelpiece, as if counting the seconds left before the coming of daylight.
1. We sat by the riverside listening to the running of the water. 2. Going home from the theatre, they were discussing the play they had seen.
1. Working in the garden is very good for the health of people. 2. You should think before speaking. 3. After finding the new word in the dictionary, I wrote it down and went on reading. 4. What do you mean by saying that? 5. Instead of going home after school, the girls went for a walk. 6. Chalk is used for writing on the blackboard. 7. Stop making excuses!
1. We sat by the riverside listening to the running of the water. 2. The cleaning of the room was done by the girls. 3. He spent much time on the copying of his literature lectures. 4. The students found the reading of English newspapers rather difficult at first.
Сложное дополнение (Complex Object)
1. The teacher wanted the pupils to learn the rule. 2. My mother did not want me to spill the milk. 3. The woman wanted her daughter to go to a ballet school. 4. The man wanted his son to study mathematics. 5. The little boy wanted his father to buy him that toy. 6. Ann wanted me to wait for her after school. 7. My father wanted me to fix the shelf in the kitchen. 8. My mother wanted me to study English. 9. Our grandmother wanted us to bring her some water from the river. 10. Kate wanted her classmates to come to her birthday party. 11. The biology teacher wanted us to collect some insects in summer. 12. Our mother did not want us to eat ice cream before dinner.
1. I want all children to laugh. 2. I want everybody to read it. 3. I should like the doctor to examine him. 4. The children wanted me to tell them a fairy tale. 5. I don't want her to know about it. 6. He wanted his friend to go with him, 7. My brother wants me to study Spanish. 8. I should like my pupils to know English well. 9. I don't want you to get a bad mark. 10. I should not like them to be late. 11. I did not want you to wait for me. 12. She would like her brother to get the first prize. 13. I want you to read this book. 14. I would like you to come to our place. 15. She wanted her son to finish school well. 16. They would like us to lose the game. 17. She did not want me to go to Moscow. 18. I would not like you to lose my book. 19. Father wants me to be a pianist. 20. We want this actor to come to our school. 21. Would you like me to tell you tliis story? 22, Do you warn; me to give you my dictionary?
1. I know my friend to be a just man. 2. I expect him to understand your problem and help you to solve it. 3. I expected her to behave quite differently. 4. I did not expect my brother to forget to send her flowers. 5. He knows my mother to be a very kind woman. 6. She expected her brother to bring her the book. 7. I know your uncle to be an excellent mathematician. 8. People expect the 21st century to bring peace on the Earth.
1. She knew him to be a very kind man. 2. Everybody knew her to be a progressive scientist. 3. I know your sister to be a very bright student. 4. Everybody knows Byron to be a great poet. 5. I did not expect it to happen so soon. 6. We expect you to help us. 7. He expected the minister to answer at once. 8. We expected the weather to change. 9. I expect the letter to come tomorrow. 10. He expected the teacher to praise him. 11. She did not expect them to return so late. 12. I know her to be a talented singer. 13. I knew him to be a great scientist. 14. We did not expect you to do so much. 15. The teacher expected the pupils to understand the rule. 16. I did not expect him to write such wonderful poetry.
1. I hate you to forget your duties. 2. Grandmother likes Lena to play the piano. 3. Father likes me to speak English. 4. My grandfather did not like children to talk at table. 5. He hated us to break our toys. 6. He liked us to play quiet games. 7. I like children to laugh. 8. She does not like me to argue with her. 9. She did not like us to come late. 10. He hates me to be late. 11. Our teacher likes us to ask questions.
1. Please don't make me drink milk. 2. She could not make him go to bed early. 3. The dog made the cat climb the tree. 4. The teacher made her rewrite the exercise. 5. She made the dog jump over the fence. 6. He made his brother jump into the water. 7. The rain made us return home. 8. Make her put on her coat: it is very cold today. 9. Why didn't you make your son learn the poem? 10. I can't make my cat catch mice. 11. When will you make your friend do his morning exercises?
1. We noticed a man cleaning his shoes. 2. He saw two girls dancing on the stage. 3. She watched the children running and playing in the garden. 4. I saw her arranging her hair. 5. We saw our neighbour listening to the latest news on the radio. 6. I felt the cat rubbing itself on my leg. 7. We saw them fishing. 8. The teacher watched the pupils writing a paper. 9. I felt a caterpillar crawling on ray arm. 10. Last night we heard I. Arkhipova singing a Russian folk song. 11. I watched the sun rising. 12. I heard him singing an English song. 13. John heard his sister talking loudly on the veranda. 14. We saw Ben crossing the square. 15. They heard their father playing the piano in the drawing room. 16. I can see the train coming. 17. I watched the rain beating down the flowers in the garden. 18. I saw a group of boys eating ice cream. 19. We noticed a group of people digging potatoes in the field. 20. Didn't you see her smiling at you? 21. I heard the girl singing. 22. He heard them talking about computers. 23. I saw you and your friend walking along the street yesterday. 24. We watched the little girls playing on the grass. 25. He stood and looked at the ship leaving the port. 26. Mother watched her sleeping peacefully in her bed.
1. The boy noticed a bird fly on to the bush near the window. 2. Jane saw her neighbour open the door of his flat and go in. 3. I saw him point to a picture on the wall. 4. I heard him shut the door of the study. 5. We saw the children climb to the tops of the trees. 6. I noticed Henry go up and speak to the stranger. 7. I saw him slip and fall. 8. I heard her suddenly cry out. 9. The policeman saw her bend and pick up something from the floor. 10. I saw him open the door and leave the room. 11. I saw her drop the cup on the floor and break it. 12. We watched them turn the corner and disappear. 13. The boy felt the doctor touch his leg. 14. Pete's friends saw him buy some flowers. 15. The wounded hunter felt the bear touch him, but he did not move. 16. Shall we hear the telephone ring? 17. Tamara saw the the boat drift down the river. 18. They saw the ship sail away from the shore. 19. Have you heard him sing the part of Herman in Tchaikovsky's "Queen of Spades"?
1. Он почувствовал, что ее рука скользит под его рукой. 2. Она почувствовала, что у нее задрожали руки. 3. То и дело он слышал, как проходит машина. 4. Он почувствовал, что его сердце забилось от радости. 5. Он почувствовал, что его сердце бьется от радости. 6. Она слышала, как ее отец ходит взад-виеред по картинной галерее. 7. Мы видели, как он, посмотрев налево и направо, пересек улицу. 8. Я чувствовал, как ветер дует сквозь щель в стене. 9. Мы стояли на палубе и смотрели, как садится солнце. 10. Я слышал, как он играет на рояле в доме. 11. Приятно видеть, как люди развлекаются. 12. Мы видели, как самолеты кружатся над нами, 13. Никто не заметил, как он вошел и сел. 14. Я почувствовал, что Ник положил мне на плечо руку. 15. Она почувствовала, что по ее щекам покатились слезы. 16. Я был так слаб, что почувствовал, как у меня дрожат колени. 17. Мы видели, что они прыгнули с парашютом. 18. Он услышал, как навстречу ему движется машина. 19. В комнате мы увидели человека, сидящего в старом кресле. 20, Я услышал, как дверь вестибюля открылась и тихонько закрылась. 21. Он увидел, что в маленькой беседке у поворота садовой дорожки кто-то сидит. 22. Он вернулся к окну и, взглянув в него, вдруг увидел, что она идет по дорожке. 23. Они все собрались на холме посмотреть, как взойдет солнце. 24. Она наблюдала за своей матерью, склонившейся над чайной посудой. 25. Люди, живущие на севере, месяцами не видят солнца (как выходит солнце). 26. Дверь скрипнула. Он увидел, как вошла Ирэн, взяла телеграмму и прочитала ее. 27. На остановке она увидела еще одну девушку, ожидающую автобуса. 28. Я слышал, как он сказал учителю об этом. 29. Я слышал, как он говорил учителю об этом. 30. Она слышала, как в коридоре ходят люди. 31. Она услышала, что кто-то подошел к ее двери. 32. Мы увидели людей, стирающих белье в ручье (как люди стирают белье к ручье).
1. I heard him opening the door. 2. I heard him open the door. 3. I felt him touch my hand. 4. I felt him touching my hand. 5. I saw the birds flying towards the wood. 6. I saw the birds fly to the wood. 7. We saw her swimming across the river. 8. We saw her swim across the river. 9. I did not notice him put the letter on the table. 10. I saw him put his suitcase by the door. 11. We saw her get off the train and walk to wards the booking office. 12. We watched him walk up to the window, stop, open the magazine and begin reading. 13. I felt somebody looking at me from the right. 14. We saw her leaving the house. 15. He heard the chairman call his name. 16. He felt his hands treni bling. 17. We heard them laughing merrily in the next room. 18. I noticed her turn pale. 19. I saw him stand up from the chair and walk towards the window, 20. The mother watched her little son cleaning his teeth. 21. He watched his mother washing the dishes 22. We saw them approaching slowly. 23. We saw them sleeping, 24. He noticed her shudder. 25. I heard him playing the violin. 26. We heard him speak French to her.
1. She saw Nina trying on a hat. 2. Alice saw her sister take the book. 3, He saw his pupils standing near the school. 4. Tom saw her leave the room. 5. The moth er saw her children doing their homework. 6. She sa1 Andrew bitting on the sofa. 7. Nicholas saw Ann writing something. 8. She did not hear me enter the room. 9. I did not hear them talking. 10. Have you ever heard her singing? 11. Have you ever heard him speaking Spanish? 12. I saw Nick come. 13. I saw George walk down the street. 14. I saw Nellie reading. 15. We saw the students dancing. 16. We saw their parents talking. 17. We watched the children playing. 18. At the zoo we often watched the monkeys playing in the cage. 19. I often hear him playing in his room. 20. Did you see these two boys running? 21. He heard a child crying in the street. 22. The children stood and watched the bears swimming. 23. The boy watched the cat trying to open the door. 24. He noticed them crossing the street with two big suitcases in their hands. 25. The teacher noticed the pupils talking. 26. She noticed her father leave the room. 27. Did you notice them laughing? 28. Did you notice him go away?
1. Он хотел, чтобы его письма отправили сейчас же. 2. Я не хочу, чтобы рылись в моих бумагах. 3. Она не хотела, чтобы ее ребенка отправляли в больницу. 4. Она дала ему бумаги и сказала, что клиент хочет, чтобы их подписали. 5. Учитель хочет, чтобы наша домашняя работа была приготовлена хорошо. 6. Вам угодно, чтобы ваш багаж отнесли наверх? 7. Я хочу, чтобы для моего гостя приготовили спальню. 8. Если вы хотите, чтобы дело было сделано хорошо, делайте его сами. 9. Я бы очень хотел, чтобы мне это объяснили (сделали это ясным для меня). 10. Путешественник вошел на постоялый двор и заказал обед (приказал приготовить обед).
1. She wants this song to be sung as often as possible. 2. He wanted his pictures to be seen in all countries. 3. The child wanted his teddy (bear) to be put in his bed. 4. She wanted her composition to be checked up at once. 5. I don't want this dress to be torn. 6. He didn't want his hair to be cut. 7. I want my bicycle to be brought from the country. 8. I want this article to be published in tomorrow's newspaper. 9. I want this carpet to be spread on the floor in the drawing room. 10. He didn't want his things to be touched. 11. Do you want this picture to be hung over the fireplace? 12. He wanted the grass (the lawn) (to be) mowed (mown).
I must have my hair cut.
I must have my watch repaired.
I must have my photo taken.
I must have a new dress made.
I want to have my hair cut.
I want to have my watch repaired.
I want to have my photo taken.
I want to have a new dress made.
I am going to have my hair cut.
I am going to have my watch repaired.
I am going to have my photo taken.
I am going to have a new dress made.
Have you had your hair cut?
Have you had your watch repaired?
Have you had your photo taken?
Have you had a new dress made?
When did you have your hair cut?
When did you have your watch repaired?
When did you have your photo taken?
When did you have a new dress made?
Why did you have your hair cut?
Why did you have your watch repaired?
Why did you have your photo taken?
Why did you have a new dress made?
Where do you usually have your hair cut?
Where do you usually have your watch repaired?
Where do you usually have your photo taken?
Where do you usually have your dresses made?
1. Им принесли пообедать (Они сами об этом позаботились). 2. Она приняла меры, чтобы за ее детьми присматривали по вечерам, когда она уходила. 3. Кто-нибудь другой продевал для Эллен нитку в иголку, так как ее зрение становилось хуже и хуже. 4. Мне надо починить эти туфли. 5. Я буду учить своего сына музыке (отдам в школу или возьму учителя). 6. Плантаторы срубили в джунглях деревья (не сами: наняли людей). 7. Я позабочусь о том, чтобы ваше такси держали у двери. 8. Я позабочусь о том, чтобы ваши вещи принесли наверх и сейчас же распаковали. 9. Мне надо завтра подстричься. 10. Я только что сфотографировался и подумал, что Вы, возможно, захотите получить снимок. 11. Я собиралась перелицевать это платье, но так и не собралась. 12. Она не фотографировалась с самого детства. 13. Пусть этот ковер расстелят на полу.
1. I should like to see him say it to my face. 2. I expect you to join our excursion. 3. We had not expected her to reply, but she did. 4. We knew him to be a clever man. 5. I don't like you to repeat this nonsense. 6. I hate people to speak so cynically. 7. We expect everybody to be ready by seven. 8. They showed themselves even more narrow-minded than we had expected them to be. 9. I felt somebody touch me lightly on the shoulder. 10. He heard someone call his name. 11. We did not expect him to return so soon. 12. I saw the telegraph boy hand the cable to the man. 13. They heard the woman utter a little exclamation. 14. He hated people argue about trifles.
1. He hated people to laugh loudly. 2. Mother wanted me to water the houseplants. 3. I saw her get off the tram and cross the street. 4. I didn't expect my sister to get a "three". 5. I know your friend to be a good pupil. 6. I want this rule to be learnt. 7, I heard somebody knock at the door. 8. When will you have your watch repaired? 9. I know your brother to have been ill. 10. I expected my father to bring rae the books. 11. I want this play to be staged at our school theatre. 12. I shall make him bring the book tomorrow. 13. I expect him to ring me up.
1. I want you to be more attentive. 2. I made her learn this poem by heart. 3. They expected us to take part in the discussion. 4. We want our children to grow active and energetic. 5. The noise of the plane flying high in the sky made him look up. 6. We had better enter the house: I don't want you to catch cold. 7. He made the car run at full speed. 8. We wanted them to achieve success. 9. I saw the children running towards the river. 10. I want you to translate this article. 11. She heard somebody enter the room, 12. I should like you to spend the summer with us. 13. I did not want you to learn this text by heart. 14. We expected the delegation to come at the end of the week.
1. I did not expect you to be angry. 2. I don't like the children to stay alone. 3. I expect the letter to come tomorrow. 4. The doctor made me take the medicine. 5. Has your mother had a new dress made? 6. I hate keys to be lost. 7. I want the dictation to be written well. 8. When did you have your photo taken? 9. I heard something heavy fall on the floor. 10. We know him to be a great musician. 11. He watched us playing chess. 12. Where do you have your hair cut? 13. Did you see anybody fighting with him? 14. I did not want you to stay in the yard.
1. I want your morning exercises done every morning. 2. Would you like me to dance for you? 3. Grandmother does not like the cat to sit on the bed. 4. He felt something heavy pressing him to the floor. 5. When will you have your hair cut? 6. She expected him to invite her to the theatre. 7. The teacher did not want us to stay in the classroom. 8. The boy watched his father unharnessing the horse. 9. When did she have this dress made? 10. The storm made the ship return to the port. 11. Did you see anybody take this hammer? 12. I expect you to stay at home. 13. Yesterday I had my picture taken. 14. I hate dogs to be kept on a chain.
1. I want to have a new dress made. 2. I want these words to be remembered. 3. The rain made us stay at home. 4. We watched the ship sailing off. 5. I hate animals to be beaten. 6. Did you see anybody fall? 7. Everybody knows him to be a coward. 8. Where do you have your pictures taken? 9. I expected you to come in the evening. 10. I don't like you to bring bad marks. 11. You must have your hair cut today. 12. Mother did not want me to go to the cinema. 13. I felt something touch my hair. 14. I know your brother to be the best pupil of the school.
1. His father made him rewrite the exercise. 2. I want you to write a letter to your grandmother. 3. I know your sister to be an excellent singer. 4. He knows me to be a great theatregoer. 5. We expected the weather to change. 6. The teacher wanted the dictation to be rewritten. 7. I heard something heavy fall on the floor. 8. I saw the boy slip and fall. 9. We made him study English. 10. I want you to understand your mistake. 11. I know her to be clever. 12. He expects me to write to him. 13. We saw her swim across the river.
1. He watched the workers unloading the lorry. 2. I know your father to be an outstanding sportsman. 3. My friend did not want me to write this letter. 4. I must have my photo taken tomorrow. 5. I want my books returned. 6. I hate birds to be kept in cages. 7. The teacher made him repeat the rule. 8. She saw people running along the street. 9. I expect the teacher to give me a good mark. 10. I don't like you to stay at school after classes. 11. When did she have her hair cut? 12. I want this music to be played every day. 13. When will you have a new dress made? 14. Did you see anybody leave the room?
1. Bad weather made us return home. 2. We expect the ship to come tomorrow. 3. I saw the ship disappear behind the horizon. 4. The illness made him stay at home. 5. Mother wants us to go to the country. 6, The children wanted the firtree to be put in the largest room. 7. We expected him to return on the same day. 8. I want you to come with me. 9. I want you to help me. 10. Mother made me go to the country on Sunday. 11. I saw him pass. 12. I heard the door open. 13. I want you to go to France.
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