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To, for, so that

In this course, we'll provide you with tips that will help you understand the rules more easily and give you lots of practice with the tricky grammar of everyday English.
Now we look at three ways to talk about the reason for doing something.
Для объяснения цели или причины наших действий, мы можем использовать to, for, so that

To talk about purpose, or the reason why we do things, we can use:
1. for + verb-ing,
2. we can use the infinitive with to,
3. and we can use so that + subject + verb.

Noun or pronoun 'for' + verb-ing
I'm bringing some pots and pans...

for cooking

Action or event Infinitive with 'to'
We've got some water...

to make tea

Action or event 'so that' + subject + verb
I'm taking some extra blankets...

so that we don't get cold