In reported speech, we usually put the verb in the reported clause back one tense:
Direct speech |
Reported speech |
Present Present Perfect Past |
Past Past Perfect Past Perfect |
In direct speech we use inverted commas to show the exact words the person said.
For example:
"I'm from Spain."
In reported speech, we don't use inverted commas.
She told me that she was from Spain.
1. Запятая и кавычки опускаются.
2. Все личные и притяжательные местоимения изменяются в зависимости от лица, от которого ведется речь. (1л. →3л., 2л.→ 1, 3л.)
3. Возможен союз "that".
а) В утвердительном предложении глагол в повелительном наклонении заменяется инфинитивом.
"Please help me with this work, Henry," said Robert.
Robert asked Henry to help him with the work.
б) В отрицательном предложении 1 форма глагола изменяется на "not" + инфинитив.
"Don't be late for dinner," said mother to us.
Mother told us not to be late for dinner.
5. В вопросах соблюдается прямой порядок слов.
"Where do you live?"
She asked me where I lived.
6. Общие вопросы вводятся словами "if, whether".
"Are you living in a hotel?"
She asked me if I was living in a hotel.
7. Специальные вопросы вводятся вопросительными словами.
"When will he come back?"
They wanted to know when he would come back.
8. Глагол say заменяется глаголом tell
says to Olga - tells Olga, said to Boris - told Boris.
В современной разговорном языке появилась тенденция к нарушению правила согласования в косвенной речи:
Не asked the guard what time the train usually starts.
He told me that Mary is quite diligent, works hard, sings beautifully.
I remembered that boys will be boys, and that you cannot put old heads on
young shoulders.
He said he is going tomorrow.
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