Unit 123. Verb + object + preposition (2)
Study this list of
verbs + object + preposition:
prefer someone/something TO someone/something (see also Unit 61):
I prefer tea to coffee.
protect someone/something FROM (or against) someone/something:
He put suntan lotion on his body to protect his skin from the sun. (or .. .against the sun.)
provide someone WITH something:
The school provides all its students with books.
regard someone/something AS something:
I’ve always regarded you as one of my best friends.
remind someone OF someone/something (= cause someone to remember):
This house reminds me of the one I lived in when I was a child.
Look at this photograph of Carol. Who does she remind you of?
but: remind someone ABOUT something (= tell someone not to forget):
I’m glad you reminded me about the party. I had completely forgotten it.
For “remind someone to do something” see Unit 53b.
sentence someone TO (a period of imprisonment):
He was found guilty and sentenced to six months in prison.
spend (money) ON something:
How much money do you spend on food each week?
Note that we usually say “spend (time) doing something”:
I spend a lot of time reading.
throw something AT someone/something (in order to hit them):
Someone threw an egg at the mayor while he was speaking.
but: throw something TO someone (for someone to catch):
Ann shouted “Catch!” and threw the keys to me from the window.
translate (a book, etc.) FROM one language INTO another language:
George Orwell’s books have been translated into many languages.
warn someone ABOUT someone/something (of is also possible sometimes):
I knew she was a bit strange before I met her. Tom had warned me about her.
Everybody has been warned about the dangers of smoking.
For “warn someone against doing something” see Unit 57b.
For “warn someone not to do something” see Unit 53b.
For verb + object + preposition + -ing see Unit 57b.